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Everything posted by DemyxIsBest

  1. Wtf son it's like switching from an Android camera to an iOS one Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinncreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeediblé
  2. I'm so hot and cold on House music, sometimes I think it is just repetitive mess but other times I can't help but just get up and rave

    1. Forever


      This is the stuff I love....it makes me feel..well...blissful..contented...in the zone....This is the best stuff to draw to, I swear. <3

    2. Forever


      I feel like my moment has been blessed by this! Thanks!!

    3. DemyxIsBest




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  3. Indeed but I felt that concept was too complex for this situation.I feel that everybody just needs to calm down
  4. Square doesn't really have any obligations to show us anything so i'm not really bothered, put it this way - Would you rather: A) Square be super secretive and when the games come out they're really good and surprise a lot of people B) Square build up an immeasurable amount of hype and when the games come out they completely suck and everyone is unhappy I know which i'd rather have.
  5. Any predictions for a 2.8 and 3 release dates anyone?

    1. Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      I think it's after Xemnas takes Ansem's body while Ansem had taken Riku's one and Riku took Sora's.

    2. DemyxIsBest


      Wait doesn't that happen while Namine and Kairi swap bodies and then Roxas and Ventus's souls fall into the RoD and then Lea and Terra temporarily merge hearts and then Aqua has the x-blade?

    3. Enix


      I think it happens after Xigbar eats Riku for dinner.

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  6. wait so all we got from d23 was the nothing information we know already and we're not getting any trailer

    1. Isamu Kuno

      Isamu Kuno

      With no official confirmation we can't assume we'll get it at all.

    2. Isamu Kuno

      Isamu Kuno

      With no official confirmation we can't assume we'll get it at all.

    3. Gwynbleidd


      I guess that is true.

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  7. let's hope the trailer wasn't a waste of everyone's valuable sleeping hours

    1. Exiblade7
    2. KingdomHearts3


      Believe me, i still see 2000 to over 3000 people still on here after all this time. People will watch the trailer one way or another.

    3. Vexen


      The time is nigh.

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  9. Yes finally some legit pictures I'm going to share this with everyone in the world now
  10. so what have we learned from d23 folks?

  11. Mansex was just basically being a mega douche to make our young dashing protagonist to fill himself with doubt but, alas, his conquest to achieve a 13th vessel was dashed by our plucky hero's steel will.
  12. A disadvantage of being British is that you Americans can stay up tonight for the Premium Theater whereas i'll have to wait until tomorrow morning because time :c

    1. DemyxIsBest


      Wow if only I was so lucky as to get up at half 7.. I have to get up at 6:15..

    2. DemyxIsBest


      I'm not sure if they'll give us a new cinematic trailer or a release date, but i'd wager they'd let us see gameplay of the BH6 world and maybe another world announcement.

    3. KingdomHearts3


      Sorry. Since I am British by blood and ancestry, I sympathize with you.

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  13. The US might not've been bad in WWII, but Vietnam on the other hand.... Anyways my unpopular opinion for today is (I think everybody knows this) Angel Beats is the worst anime of all time and should be removed from all Okay that's a bit of an exaggeration but in all honesty it's terrible and a genuine 2/10
  14. Story: BBS - I'm afraid this one isn't even close, DDD just completely convolutes the plot into an absolute time-travelling mess, but BBS is simple, tragic and effective. Combat: DDD - One of my main problems with BBS was how unbalanced its combat was, I felt Terra was much more overpowered than the other two were, plus flowmotion was REALLY cool. Characters: BBS - DDD didn't really offer us that many new MAIN characters, just expanded on some of their current ones, meh. I think all three of the prequel heroes have likeable and individually unique qualities. Worlds: DDD - While BBS gave us a look back on Radiant Garden, DDD went all in with Quasimodoland and in my opinion, one of the best Disney worlds - if not THE best - in Fantasia. Soundtrack: DDD - I mean Shimomura really blitzes the soundtrack on this one, Sacred Distance, the Fantasia world and L'Impeto Oscuro to name a few are absolutely fantastic listens to the more orchestrally tuned among you. Visuals: BBS - Some might see this as unfair as this is PSP vs 3DS more than game v game but I just felt that The Land of the Depatured and the Keyblade Graveyard were just really cooly designed. Conclusion: N/A - I know some of you might really hate to read this but despite them both being handheld games, they're both completely different and in a way, uncomparable. It rather depends on your personal choice. If you prefer style - you'll go for DDD. If you prefer substance - you'll go for BBS.
  15. Can't get anymore intense than this, got the high pitched choir and everythin'
  16. GTA: V. Also, Nintendogs is up there? S-S-SORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRY?!?!
  18. Watch this video and feel your soul repairing itself
  19. Sora on Instagram: Hard work pays off #fitspo #gains #workhardtoachieveyourgoals #touchmybicep #gymlife
  20. So I finished Tokyo Ghoul. I mean it was aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, it got alot more stick than it deserved I felt. 2nd Season was abit naff, though.

    1. DemyxIsBest


      Yeah, but like the end of the first series it ended on a really annoying cliffhanger

    2. Kittenz


      I've been told the manga is better but I haven't seen the anime myself yet

    3. DemyxIsBest


      I've been told the manga is MUCH better

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  21. Halloween today, the most pointless day of the year.

    1. Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      Nah, missed, my name is English (yeah, strange, isn't it? xD).

    2. DemyxIsBest


      Wait your name is English as in like an English name or your name is actually "English"

    3. Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      No xD. I've got an English name, but I'm not called English xD

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