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Everything posted by Kyouma-Blade

  1. You shouldn't regret it. It's a part of the game, so I can't fault you for using it. In fact, I also started with casual, because I also didn't like the idea of permadeath. Hell, I completely agree with your thoughts. But permadeath is something you have to try, even if you don't make it past the prologue. I know I keep saying it's integral to the series, but that's because it is. This was just me, but I cared a bit more about the characters when I replayed it on classic mode than when I played it on casual mode. Before it felt like they were just units that were dispensable, so I cared less. When I replayed it, I cared more about them because they actually stayed dead. Plus, I'd have to restart for their ass, so I'd care about that too. I don't know, you probably won't have the same experience as I did, because it sounds like a lot of bullshit when I type this up now. However, I still stand by my statement that you should try to play classic at least once.
  2. I personally don't think it's bullshit most of the time. The permadeath is there because it adds another layer of strategy. You have to be smart about where you place your units, or else they're dead. Casual mode completely removes that. They'll come back after the chapter ends, so why bother when I can just run in and win? I sincerely recommend trying out classic mode, because it's an integral part of the franchise and gives it another strategic layer without completely making the game unfair. (Unlike Lunatic+. That's top tier bullshit.)
  3. I dunno, between all the sequels to animes I've never watched and an anime that is "full of detailed cuisine art to whet the appetite and slightly erotic meal scenes," I feel like the winter season is going to be one of the bests.

  4. Go casual first, so you can get a feel of the game, then come back to it on Classic mode. Casual mode will help you breeze through the game, so if you're aiming to just have story, go with it. Classic mode is, like you said, part of the Fire Emblem experience. It's not really a Fire Emblem game until you have to reset because of a bullshit crit. However, it's hard to get into that mindset, so casual is better, then coming back to the game go classic.
  5. Staying up at ungodly hours so I can train for the little competiton between my cousins and I in Sm4sh. It's ok, I will win in the name of the Future Gadget Laboratory.

    1. Shulk


      Smash training... Maybe I should do some of that.

  6. Everyone knows the true main character is Pluto. I for one can't wait until we find out what Pluto was doing during KH2 in Kingdom Hearts: Planetary Dogfight.
  7. For those of you who play FE:A, here's my streetpass team. http://imgur.com/a/ueR7S

    1. Ruby Rose

      Ruby Rose

      My iPad broke your image

      My bad

    2. SorrowSurvivor


      Severa wielding the Tsundere. Nobodys safe!!!

    3. Arya Stark

      Arya Stark

      Yeah, how about we don't fight.

  8. So I marathoned RWBY Volume 2. It's definately a huge step up from Volume 1. Animation was consistantly nice throughout, music is top notch as always, and characters get a bit more stuff to them. Yang got maybe 5 minutes of backstory, but that's alright for now. That teacher is back, and I love that. He is easily one of the best supporting characters in this series. One weak point was the dog. The animation was pretty bad for him, but I guess it makes up for it in this scene at 7:30.
  9. As for "Kiri-no-ji" I quickly googled it and found this. So that may explain it.
  10. I haven't read the manga yet, but from what I've heard, they were right in discarding some of those chapters. The clown and the dog couldn't possibly be aired, and frankly, I wouldn't want to watch that at all. I suppose they couldn't avoid the anime catching up with the manga because of that. They ended up making it a Full Metal Alchemist ending, where it's an anime original ending. While some people were disappointed with the ending, I saw no problems with it, except for
  11. Edited a santa hat on my avatar like the rest of the cool kids.

    1. Dracozombie


      Go go conformity!

  12. Interesting to know that Season 1 is Volumes 1,2, and 3. Hopefully it will make itself something beautiful in the later volumes. Very relieved to hear Volume 2 keeps consistancy with the animation with how much I've already watched of it. I'll get back to this video when I have time, but it sounds like something I would enjoy. Thanks for your reply.
  13. Thanks for your thoughts. I remember seeing your point about how the staff wasn't familiar with the software before, but that shouldn't really be an excuse if they were paid to do this. If anything, they should've at least not make it seem so rushed on the non-action parts. They'll need to figure out that work schedule. I apperently forgotten about those relationships; I'll take back what what I said about Team RWBY being underdeveloped. Still, Yang had little screen time for being a main character in Volume 1. No argument with the action. Definately up there with shows like A:TLA. Yeah, I also found the story disappointing, but I guess it can't be helped if they limit themselves to ~5 minutes per episode. I'll go ahead and see where RWBY Volume 2 takes it. Thanks for your reply.
  14. I'm going to go off on a rant about RWBY here. I've only watched the first volume of RWBY, and put the 2nd volume on hold right now since I haven't been that interested in it. I have no idea why it's so highly regarded. Forgive me, I may have spoken blastphemy here, but I want to discuss this. So, the trailers. Ruby's was the best imo, while the others were meh. Special mention to the voice acting in Yang's trailer; god awful. 1st episode was also meh. Awesome action scene, but the rest of the animation was like they only spend 10 minutes on it. Those cookies... Moving on, I feel like the characters are cardboards personality wise. Again, I've only watched the first volume so far, but one season should be enough to develop your main cast. If anything, they focused the development on the wrong person, Jaune. I would've liked it if they developed Team RWBY first, then moved on to the supporting cast. I suppose the reason this show, and shows like One Piece are popular would be for the action, which I can't fault you for. However, I would like something more, because it's an interesting premise. Can't argue the music isn't amazing though. One of the best soundtracks I've heard so far. Sorry for the wall of text. I want to know your thoughts, maybe you can convince me there's something more that I missed in Volume 1. Maybe you can even convince me to continue to watch Volume 2.
  15. Hi, I'm Kyouma-Blade. I've lurked on these fourms before, but I've gotten around to joining today. I chose this name because my usual name is Keyblade5000, which doesn't sound very unique in a KH fourm. My alternate name probably wouldn't fly here, so I came up with this one since it's from my favorite anime. So yeah. Thanks for this fourm. It looks fun.
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