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  1. Oh thank you so much Raxaimus for this. Your concerns and cons that you listed are exactly what I worried about in the trailer. Foremost I DO NOT want to play having to use commands instead of Sora's skills. I do hope the attraction flows are sporadic just because they take up so much of the view too and because I'll feel like i'm watching the game play for me. In addition the action commands seemed to cover the whole screen where I would lose sight or make it difficult to keep track of the action going on around me and especially on Sora. At times in KHII I would find myself swinging at air. The wall run graphics sounded very distracting visually. I want to be able to feel engulfed by the wold I'm visiting and not be pulled out of the reverie by seeing something that doesn't match the rest of the landscape. I would think it be a good idea if they kept it like KHII where you would walk up to something that the glowing green triangle would appear to use an action. It's subtle and can even allow exploration to find hidden ones to hidden items. I also agree on the point of critical level being available at the beginning and fair. Aside from the general fixes of making movement of Sora more fluid I think that's I have to say for now! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on the game with us. I'm really happy Square Enix is taking in our thoughts and concerns into consideration. It'll help us get a game we are happy to play with and find enjoyable.
  2. What an achievement! I'm so happy you have given us nine years of kingdom heart news! This is the place I visit to hear about it! And I thank you so much for sharing opportunities with us like contest! It's always a happy place to come to for everyone to share the same love we have for our wonderful game Kingdom Hearts! We'll be seeing you for another nine years and more!
  3. WOW, so professional Andrew! I would definitely be proud to show off this for my favorite kh website. So happy we can also get the crown logo's too! <3<3 A great way for fans to show off our site!
  4. Bwahhahaaha that was funny. Poor Kingdom Hearts it has no realistic graphics. Let's see him bring Noctis and the gang to kh!!!!
  5. Right! Dreams are pretty much the bases for living. And of course to praise God ^ ^ But our own personal purpose to live. Hahahahaha! Yup! And I would say "I know that guy! He's also from KH13!" Yup exactly! Great! So glad you liked! Do you have a DA account? If you do you can check out mine at http://khkairi12.deviantart.com/ I know I haven't seen the results yet, I can't believe I didn't get nominated TwT...... (Thanks ^ ^)
  6. Yeah they were really fun to watch and was a great way to reminisce<3
  7. Oh my gosh I just realized which Sora pic you were talking about, I thought you were talking about the one in my photo of kh collection..
  8. I'm so glad! >w< I love when people get hyped for their dreams, that brings warm excitement to my own heart My dream actually IS to become a famous Mangaka! I want to be able to spread love, hope, and happiness to those who read and look at my art, just like my favorite mangaka's and Mr. Nomura have. Thank you so much for your faith, and hope you'll here of me! AH! Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoy as much as I do! And yes, watercolors on watercolor paper. And that's absolutely fine! That's what so great about being an artist, you do whatever you want! If you don't feel that coloring is your thing then you don't have to. There are a lot of artist who focus on inks and they are amazing at it that color doesn't make a difference. And if you so choose to dabble or use color then that all right too! There are no rules to art! On DA there's this artist I watch that her art is just so fantastic and unique. I think you could relate to her style. Here's the link if you want to check out http://wickedalucard.deviantart.com/ She does many black and white but she also adds some color in some or use color in others. OH and just remembered http://eguana.deviantart.com/ also. I know!! I wonder when they announce, I don't know if i'll be on at the time.
  9. Oh my gosh that was so cool! I can image each world and pretend we're reliving the adventure!
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