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Mason Izbored

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Everything posted by Mason Izbored

  1. Your imagination could provide Ultra High HD Quality.
  2. Maybe that could bea canonical reason as to why Nobodies didn't make an appearance in the first game, because they weren't at the time really being ordered to do anything. I'd assume the lesser Nobodies would just be "passive" staying in their own world if without a leader. Well, the nobodies who keep their human forms might be doing anything though.
  3. Well if Nobodies are simply made by the strong willed being turned into a heartless, unless I have that wrong. The death of Xemnas shouldn't stop Nobodies being formed, should it? I might be wrong, which is why I'm asking. I simply like Nobodies more than Heartless, the look of them and their story of being the shells of the strong willed. EDIT: Would be interesting if they came back as allies, since they don't seem inheritly evil, rather jsut following a leader who was. I doubt this would happen, but would be interesting.
  4. Well thank you everyone, I'm abck after waking up, I'll try more precisely pressing the button ^_^
  5. I'm not levelling it up in any specific area, but it's never really worked right wherever I tried it. I just use it when I feel like and try to level it up there. So you can't just mash triangle though? You need timing?
  6. I've only successfully performed Strike Raid, the one where you throw the keyblade. And yes, I have tried hitting the reaction commands always whenever they come up, to not avail D:
  7. Okay, so I'm trying to levle up limit form, mainly so I can use dodge roll for Sora in normal form, but I keep running into a certian problem. I don't know exactly how to continue the limits in limit form. I use them and they just end abruptly and I don't get experience. I've tried always hitting attack, it ends, I've tried only using the reaction commands with triangle, it ends, I've tried to use both equally, it ends. There's no finale, and no gain.
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