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Everything posted by Kotomi

  1. I really don't understand why these things are popular in general. So none.
  2. It looks really cool, but I already bought the KH3 bring arts Sora, and i'm not going to shell out that kind of money again for a slightly different action figure. Although I would like that Kingdom Key...
  3. Hi new, I'm Kotomi. My life is nothing but dad jokes...
  4. i could see this happening. Ven could have forgotten everything but his name due being in the RoD too long. And then he forgets everything but his name.... again.... and then BBS happens. Gee that'd be redundant though....
  5. My best guess is that Disney wasn't too keen on the attention it was getting online, considering she is technically a minor. They were fine with fairy panties though, seeing as Tinkerbell still has hers.
  6. How are they anything alike? Xion is pretty reserved and quiet, while Peridot is pretty much always over the top. She's constantly yelling and spouting out orders when she's first introduced as a character and even now Peridot is super talkative and generally jumpy and extreme. I'd say, if you want to draw comparisons to anyone, Xion is probably most like Lapis. Reserved, trying to cope with stuff, but still appreciative of her friends.
  7. yeeaahh... no. just no. saing there were more games inbetween does not say people weren't waiting for KH3. Even going by the logic that there could have been one inbetween game like CoM was between KH1 and KH2, no one wouold've expected it would take this long for them to even announce KH3. just because something hasn't been announced or confirmed, doesn't mean you can't be anticipating it. KH2 clearly set the stage for more games, and since hat was a numbered title, people only assume the next one would be 3.
  8. I'm probably one of the few who notices this, but it annoys me to no end... They rendered* the new cutscene at 1080p, but the rest is just a straight up copy from the ps3 version, which was all rendered* at 720p. Not that it matters, just an observation. Also they use the square keybit again, so the triangular one in some of the cutscenes IS in fact an error that they didn't see when animating all the scenes originally. *I say rendered, but it could also have been captured from an in engine cutscene.
  9. oh, someone has found some important videos....
  10. When you say go, be ready to throw...?
  11. they are just rehashes of previously made artwork with some pattern backgrounds added.
  12. I don't know why they'd do this whatsoever, unless they are going to bring back the old show in some way or another. If they don't this'll only add fuel to the fire. Then again, I don't know how good or bad Go is doing in terms of viewership and such.
  13. I think it's valuable to look at why we consider music or a painting art and if that same logic applies to animation. Because really, art is a very broad term. Generally it's a piece of creativity in which the author(s) express themselfs or their feelings toward a certain subject or just in general. I personally think the label 'art' is very overrated, because in the end the meaning of something, or the feeling you get from something, is completely subjective and can be very different than what the original author intended.
  14. Either way it looks like it'll be a great game so I don't mind waiting a bit longer. Not that i have a ps4, but some day i'm sure i'll play it.
  15. I honestly hope this will become a thing because it means i won't have to buy a ps4 for just one game(2 if you include 2.8). Still, it's really unclear what the NX will be with all the weird rumors about hybrid consoles and what not. Not really sure how game engines work, but if NX can handle Unreal engine 4 it might not be that hard to do, especially if they've had the dev kits for a while now.
  16. Hiya, and welcome to the wonderfull world of Pokémon Kingdom Hearts! This is my grandson and he has been your rival for years...
  17. Both are very good, but Brotherhood glosses over a lot of details in the beginning that are pretty important as motivations to the main characters. The original anime does a better job at covering these events. I'd recommend watching the 2003 anime first, at least up til episode 20 or so(look it up where the canon stops), or reading the first few manga's. The original anime is an absolute drag to watch through if you've already seen Brotherhood, because the pacing is slower and more akin to the manga.
  18. Considering Donald and Goofy are already animals but slightly different in design from the zootopia humaniod animals, i don't think it's a viable option without major designing and planning from both disney and square, which they're probably trying too keep to a minimum. Sure redesigns are fine for different worlds such as Atlantica and Halloween Town, but in this case there might need to be tampered with the integral design of the characters to fit the artstyle of Zootopia. It needs to be decided how realistic they want to portray Donald and Goofy, will they have fur/feathers, how much, will their overall apearance change to look a bit more like an actual animal, how will clothes work, will they give Donald pants, etc. etc and all these things need to be done very carefully with Disney's supervision in order to keep portrayal of these characters as close to the originals as possible. Not to mention what the heck are they going to do for Sora, what animal will he be, why, can he be a hunter or will that be too intrusive for the plot of the world itself, and so on. I'm not saying it won't happen, but I am very doubtful because Disney generally doesn't like to tamper with the designs of their flagship characters too much.
  19. You need to collect all stickers, and depending on if you collected all stickers in radiant garden as Aqua you might have to play the Final Episode again. Also, you need to put the stickers in the correct places(google for that) to get maximum points. just putting them into the stickerbook isn't enough.
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