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Everything posted by Xyrn

  1. I beat the game having chosen Balance/warrior and I had at least Leaf Bracer, and the equivilents of Once more/Second Chance somewhere in the 40s. Now im even though Proud is pretty easy regardless Im doing a second playthough on Standard simply for cheevos and well I liked the game so much I wanna experience it all over again nao.
  2. Just finished it last night and all im going say about that is: Damn. on a not-so-unrelated note: Now im gonna start the platnium process.
  3. Depends, based on 0.2 I may do a straight play through on proud then end up doing a 100% run on standard or beginner simply because its going to be easier ?
  4. It's weird, because I'm like super excited that its here within a week. Yet at the same time I think I'm more likely to be freaking out the day before release until probably day 2, when I feel its finally gonna hit me that "yes in fact I do have this game".
  5. Hardest boss... over all or per game? overall I'd have to say Lingering Spirit in KH2 as I dont have much experience with other secret bosses and they tend to be the toughest in their games. by game Id go with: KH1- Sephiroth easily, KH2 stated above, CoM-probably the pre-mech Marluxia, never played Days or Coded, BBS- for me was Terra's final fight if only because it forced me to block which really annoyed me because I didnt have to at ALL during the rest of the game. DDD - I feel its a tie between Julius and the cloaked nightmare or w/e his name is for Riku (the one before YX)
  6. Personally voted for other as a few of the choices on this poll are likely to come back anyway, so as I chose other I would personally like to see the Divewing come back cause I like its look.
  7. Damn man your Gamestop must really suck. Which makes me wonder why mine doesn't since its like the only game store in the area. like literally its only competition is Walmart and another Gamestop like maybe 2 miles down the road.
  8. My take on this would is simply that I feel it would be interesting if all he meant was that depending on how you progress through the game, like say going to Monster's Inc. before The Toy Box will affect how certain things play out but still kind of having that Telltale Diamond of choice where regardless of your choices you're still going to get effectivly the same result. So like others have said you might save Aqua but if you fail she ends up as a force to fight later and you end up saving her later because she's supposed to be saved regardless for the story. but! if you fail to save her then not only does she show up to fight later but so does Ven, as an example.
  9. I dont know about making two files but I would definitely look up the opposite side of it on youtube. I think Hallow Bastion/Radiant Garden is the closest thing we're going to get to a FF only world. seeing as it has the highest population of FF characters.
  10. Quina, Khimari, Gau or Umaru, Cait Sith could work or Red XIII. though personally I almost feel like Vincent could work if done right.
  11. Confirm some new worlds. show off some gameplay on said worlds however unlike others i want NO story in the trailers... this is because like movies I think that game trailers can show off too much story and/or actually spoil some things which is why I typically dont watch trailers for movies
  12. All i know is that I think its likely that whenever the game gets released it will either be on a 7th or a 13th. or seeing as next year is going to have in a way both in 2018 the game could release possibly on July 13th. I wouldnt put it past Nomura to try and pull something like that with the whole 7 Guardians and 13 darknesses thing.
  13. I'm kinda hoping that its an epic mix of the Final boss themes from BBS, KH1/2/DDD and a touch of what IAMME suggested. My reasoning for this is that this is the battle that is the culmination of all the events from BBS till KHIII (I didnt play the games I didnt mention so I don't know their songs <.<) So I think the final fight in KHIII should have elements from the main "You probably played at least these" games.
  14. Don't know if its been mentioned but I'm taking a very optimistic stance on the release of III. Im hoping that it gets released either around the time FFXV was released last year or at the latest around when 2.8 was released this year. Again I'm actually hoping that its the Holiday season game of this year, but we'll have to wait and see sadly.
  15. aren't they considering putting 1.5 and 2.5 onto Xbox? wouldn't they likely consider putting 2.8 onto Xbox? also what was recently shown to just be touch related for 2.8? did I miss something or what?
  16. Someone please refresh my memory, when was it confirmed that Xehanort and Terra were reborn separately and that Terranort wasn't reborn with Xehanort having full control, thus his appearance in DDD. At least that was my personal understanding about the situation. or at the very very least Xehanort was reborn into Terra's body and Terra is sort of a free floating heart atm waiting for it's rightful vessel to be freed. ! that just got me thinking, what if because Xehanort has Terra's body now Terra's Heart actually returned to his armor and is now possessing that and in that way Terra is going to be able to help fight Xehanort.
  17. If i remember correctly they actually changed it from doing that in the NA/EU versions because a large number of people in the JP version were dropping mid boss or mid battle in general and would come back to end up dying.
  18. I would think that would actually make it easier to write a separate scenario for a world based on the show, easier to make it seem like "just another day" kind of thing with its own self contained plot.
  19. I did answer your question by giving you the actual definition of the word 'Ancient' which is not just something thats over 1000 years old something 100 years old can be considered ancient. hell 3 inch floppy disks are ancient for example.
  20. Really? Im just gonna leave this here... http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/ancient
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