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Everything posted by Aries

  1. Doesn't everything look better in a black trench coat? I believe so.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Aries


      Why, Thank you ^-^

    3. Xiro


      Even Anti-Black Coat looks better in a black trench coat

    4. Aries


      Proves my point. Black trench coats makes everything better.

    5. Show next comments  6 more
  2. I finished my finals. Whew.

    1. Ruby Rose

      Ruby Rose

      Welcome to the hype

    2. PillowHead


      I know the feeling. Congrats.

    3. Aries


      Thank you. :)


  3. My sister pulled the soccer ball from me when I tried to kick it and I fell. Charlie Brown move..Not cool.

    1. Aries


      O.o you are a fun ice cream cone triple dipped in psycho with just a sprinkle of crazy.

    2. Dracozombie



      But Lucy's still a dick.

    3. Aries


      Yup. Just kick her in the face with a soccer ball should do the trick. Won't pull that crap any more.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  4. Yay. I finally made a "About Me" Page :3 So proud of myself.

  5. Hi! Welcome to Kh13! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
  6. Lurking Lurking Lurking Lurking Lurking

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Aries


      Weedanort, you fun sponge. Join the party!

    3. Weedanort



    4. Aries



    5. Show next comments  6 more
  7. Thanks everyone. And, Thank You Nick. I always thought it was Aries.
  8. I can't wait to extwnd this journey
  9. Thanks, Yusei! Everyone is really nice here.
  10. *Holds up cookies* Don't bite Aries. Bite cookies!
  11. Good Morning :3

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Aries


      <_< My regular Saturday Night is watching Family Guy, American Dad and The Cleveland Show


    3. Weedanort


      With none of what I stated above?


      I'm probably one of the few people that watches Family Guy like I do owo

    4. Aries







      E.E I watch it more.

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  12. Could someone tell me how to get on the chat from my phone? It just shows me a white screen with the URL

  13. Either The Myth of Aphrodite and Adonis or The Myth of Hades and Persephone.
  14. Well. All my nicknames that I was given came from my middle name. Then a friend call me Aries which is also The God of War in Greek. And, I liked it Since I am a Greek Mythology Nerd.
  15. I'm glad you think so. I don't like it that much. I perfer Aries.
  16. Aries


    How do you take blame. Take the blame for something insane. Something that when you think about it. It hurts both your heart and brain. I could say the same. I can take the blame. But, how do you let the these thoughts form in your brain. I mean, we're not all the same. But, if I can take blame, Can't you do the same? But, then again. My spirit is one you can contain. But, how would you contain something you can not tame. You can't blame the person trying to contain the untamed. Maybe I thought we were the same. But, who am I to assign blame. Why can't I keep my feelings contained? I don't know.. Maybe I'm insane. Just take the blame... Because, I did the same... And, look at me. This is how far I came.
  17. That's really cool, Dr. Shimo!
  18. My first Kh13 friendship's was: *Drumroll* Mr. Darkfire himself.
  19. I'm viewing your profile. So, does this mean I will be pursuded and killed?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Aries


      Good Job. You're famous.

    3. Danex Darkfire +

      Danex Darkfire +

      I've always wondered how popular I am on this site

    4. Aries


      Well. All your fans plus me. Equals...A bunch of people plus one.

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  20. Yes. It's still a white screen.
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