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Everything posted by gingienator

  1. Here are my top 5 5. Super Sonic Racing { Generations Remix } 4. Endless Possibilities 3. His World 2. Dreams of an Absolution 1. Open Your Heart
  2. I'm barely watching Atlantis: The Lost Empire because I've never seen it before and it's so awesome! Now I see why people want it was a world :D

  3. That actually looks really awesome! amazing work Cynical
  4. I usually get one handheld from Nintendo and one console from Sony
  5. Yeah that could be true also.I mean there are some villains out there who'd do bad things in order to see their love again no matter what.
  6. As much as we want to play as Kairi for the first time ever, I feel Xehanort would be more interesting in terms of "perspective". Sure, we know him as the big evil doer of the whole saga, but, he's still sort of a mystery. We might just REALLY find out why he chose to go on the dark path alone. ~~~ Then again, Eraqus seems to be an interesting one too. I feel like there are some parallels between him, Xehanort, Sora, and Riku. But hey! Ya know! Xehanort seems more interesting
  7. it ended a few days ago sadly it's only the 3rd day and it's already so stressful!!
  8. That would be so freakin AWESOME!!but seriously, who wouldn't want space pirates ?
  9. I really hope it doES SQUARE PLS!! It's been one of the most requested movies for the KH series!!
  10. Pretty sure there would be some good changes to poor Radiant Garden ; u ; That poor world suffered too much already { thanks Xehanort e - e }
  11. I only see Port Royal and Pride Lands return because well... There's still POTC: Dead Man's Chest and POTC: At World's End. and there is also The Lion King II with Kovu and Kiara As for Agrabah... honestly, I'm sick of seeing that world. Never seen King of Thieves but I heard it would be cool for KH3. Maybe we could give it a chance And for Olympus, WE GOTTA SEE ZEUS. I MEAN COME ON!!
  12. This was such a surprise!!Of course, I expected it to grow over the years,but it really deserves some more attention!!!!Really glad it become a beloved franchise to fans <3I think more people, even if some judge it for it being "childish", are actually giving it a chance.~~~I've been a fan since 2007.I've bought every single game except for RE: Combut I got 1.5 and 2.5 to play it
  13. It's such an awesome idea!!! It really is something different for once :D I think it's nice that they are making some movies sorta plot relevant we haven't really had those since KH1 It did felt a bit awkward at times when they just smoosh Sora in the actual movie plot ~~~ but on another side of this, who thinks SE might add the second visit thing again? like for example, this idea would be the second visit and the actual movie plot would be the first visit? it's just a thought
  14. I'm with you on that one!! Hopefully they'll add in some NPCs It will definitely make the whole city much livelier!! plus with all those colors * u * EVERYTHING WILL BE GORGEOUS.
  15. I bet my money on Frozen! Imagine if they announce it at Japan's D23 in Nov. It would make sense because Frozen is REALLY popular in Japan. As for Wreck It Ralph, I'm not so sure...
  16. sorry about that!! only put 3 because those aren't included yet
  17. Ohhhhh you are right!!Some people never really understood what he meant when he said "first in the series"I HOPE THEY DO IT. sorry about thatI don't know what happened but I'll fix it
  18. Hey guys!! Now that we just found out about Big Hero 6 coming into KH3. That makes 2/3 movies from him! NOW ALL THAT'S LEFT IS. ~ TREASURE PLANET ~ SQUARE PLS.
  19. Lol now we got two characters who are better healers than Dolan. Thank you Rapunzel and Baymax ( e u e )
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