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Everything posted by xemsai

  1. https://33.media.tumblr.com/5307bfd8cf4409cb6e74c69cdf466986/tumblr_inline_np9kb6V5K61tutjc9_540.gif I'M SCREAMING.
  2. http://acronotusoccultus.deviantart.com/
  3. I'm really glad this trailer's out, but I honestly just can't get into it for this game. Gates to Infinity knocked my hopes and expectations down way too low, especially since I was so hyped for it. :wacko: Maybe it'll surprise me.
  4. Welcome to KH13, Felicia! Feel free to chat with me whenever you'd like.
  5. Hey, welcome back to KH13! Feel free to chat me up whenever you'd like.
  6. Horoscope/Star Sign?: Virgo. Favourite colour?: Violet. Favourite Food?: Meatloag. All time favourite Movie?: Hard Candy. Favourite Number?: 7. Dream and Aspirations?: I honestly don't know at this point. Current motto of life?: (Saix voice) "Grovel before me!" :tongue:
  7. I'd like to politely disagree on the front that "self-diagnosis is not reliable". Some people either cannot afford or, for their own safety, cannot see a doctor to receive diagnosis. I believe as long as they do long research about the condition, read personal accounts of the condition from those who have it, perhaps look through the DSM, and consider if it affects their daily life, self-diagnosis can be as reliable as a doctor diagnosis. No one can know you better than yourself. I do recognize, however, that there ARE some people who look at one or two symptoms of an illness and decide to misdiagnose themselves with it. Anyways, I've been diagnosed with social anxiety, depression, BPD, PPD, AVPD, PTSD, and DID. I currently do see a therapist and am on medication.
  8. Oh, God, I'm so glad there's a thread like this. Watch out, this post might go on for a bit because I have a TON of anxieties relating to college. So, I've never really performed well in school because of my all-consuming dread of face-to-face interaction, and therefore I was forced to leave high school and pursue alternative schools. I tried online, but I wasn't disciplined enough, and I tried an extension school but that was also too much for me to keep up with. So, I'm currently studying for my GED. I'm doing well on that front, since I'm a great tester, so that's all well, at least. My problem is, where do I go from there? Should I just go to a community college and get a 2-year degree from there? That would definitely give me at least something to show to 4-year colleges and universities if I wanted to go to one of those, since I stopped attending high school at the beginning of sophomore year. Another problem I have is, I have NO IDEA what I want to do. My interests, opinions, and self image flip flop incredibly often because I'm mentally ill (I am seeing a therapist, and it is helping, but it's not something that will just be fixed or go away) so I literally do not know. Some things I'm interested in I would hate to do as a job, and other things I don't know if I'd be any good or not. I consider things like being a hair stylist/makeup artist, a cameraman, a chef or a waiter, but then I also think about things like oceanography, marine biology, and I'm not sure how I'd ever be successful at any of those things. I was dead-set on doing my best to become a psychiatrist once, but I'm incredibly critical of myself and I've basically knocked down a lot of my hope for that, and since that happened I've been unsure of what in the world I should do with myself. The only thing I can think of I've genuinely enjoyed my whole life is gaming. But, I can't really make a living just sitting around playing videogames. Society and my family push me and tell me I need to have a good education to be successful. Sorry for the info dump/text wall, I just honestly would appreciate advice and this is all pretty relevant to my problems.
  9. I'm back, y'all. It's been far too long. Issues at home kept me at bay, mostly. I'll try and be back more often. x_x Nice to be back, though!

    1. Nero Kunivas

      Nero Kunivas

      "Y'all". xD Feeling slightly sassy today? X3


      In any case, welcome back! :D

    2. xemsai


      Hehe, thanks!

  10. Apparently the owner gave out his account to whoever is doing this? That's what the sig says and what their title said before I believe.
  11. Nothing would change, really. Dark-skinned Asian people exist. I could potentially see a lot of problems due to anti-blackness, but it would all be the same to most of us, I'm sure.
  12. Yeah, he has a whole horde of clothes he took from there stashed away in his room. A lot of the clothes are either too small or too large for him, but he'll mismatch things and wear them anyways if he can shove himself into them.
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