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Fates Chance XIII

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Everything posted by Fates Chance XIII

  1. I REALLY love this one! I love how they made reference to the waterfalls in HB by telling you to use it in the shower, and I love the lavender (one of my favorite smells)! It's amazing End of The World has a very prominent warm caramel smell, but I definitely do smell the lime they say in the description. Dont smell any cherry but I'm ok with that cause I hate cherry Is this really all that's left of the worlds destroyed by the Heartless?! I hope it smelled this good at least XD
  2. Princess of Heart perfume is sweet but not too sweet. The peach scents not overwhelming, and the floral notes balance it out really well. As someone who doesnt use perfume much, this one will see use! Also they were so close! They put 8 Crystal's in it! If it was 7 it would a sent me over the moon but it was still clever!
  3. Destiny Islands is by FAR my favorite for two reasons: 1, it smells like coconut and pineapple and 2, there may be a lucky emblem here! Can you spot it?? This one is so subtly sweet! I'm not huge on really sweet scents but this one managed to ride the line and get a thumbs up! It has a slight raspberry smell but the white chocolate shines through with like a crisp apple flavor. It's amazing! This one!! XD omg this one! Gummiship is amazing! It's very candy smelling, kinda like strawberry candy. Very sugary, very sweet. If it wasnt a soap I dont think I'd use it because of how sweet it is but hand soap smell wont linger too long so it's just enough for me! Also they look like ACTUAL gummis!! I got so excited when I saw! They REALLY did their research on these!
  4. So my sister in law sent me something for my birthday in the mail and I HAVE to share it with you all! There is this company called a Fortune Cookie Soap that makes fandom based body products lines and Easters box theme was Heart Shaped Moon. I just got it all in the mail today and OMG!! Take a look! The descriptions for all the products are so cute and tongue in cheek they really do their research Traverse Town is a lotion and it's got like a warm vanilla mixed with banana which sounds weird but oh man is it good!! I kinda think they should've went with Twilight Town with the warm relaxing scents but this one is still amazing! The Heartless is like one of those things you put in a wax melter to make your house smell a certain way. Its really BlackBerry but the birchwood really compliments it so that it's not overwhelming (coming from someone who's not big on berry smell) I love how the description talks about it manifesting in your home like heartless creeping in, slowly until they (and the scent) over run your home. XD
  5. I know it's been talked to death about no FF characters in KH3 but I really wanted to talk about why I dont want FF characters to be resigned to just cameo status in KH. So when I started playing KH games, I had never even heard of FF. I saw all these characters and thought they were original to the KH universe and that the disney worlds were the crossover stuff. I got to know and fell in love with all the FF characters without their back stories, or anything. Squal was just Leon to me. Cloud, Tifa, Zack, Yuffie, Cid, Aerith all of them belonged to the KH world and story and universe as my first exposure to them. When I learned they were from other games, I went and explored their stories but I couldnt shake that they were still categorized as KH characters in my head first. I can remember seeing them in KH2 for the first time and being so excited! Fighting along side them, sharing their hope's of restoring Radient Garden, fighting the heartless, going back to visit them more and their being more story it made it feel like they were part of the story. Even if they came from other universes and games this was still their story too. They belonged to that world, had a stake in the well being of their world and were friends of Sora, Donald and Goofy and cared about them and their struggles well being and adventures. So not seeing them in KH3, even to just pop in and say we're going on an epic journey but we have to go it alone, was really heart breaking. It almost feels like part of the reason Sora and Co didnt go to RG. But I mean, Mickey said that Leon was his friend in KH1 so it would've actually been really cool to see them interact and meet up. And to see them all interact with Riku. But I dont like them being called cameos because they AREN'T! A cameo is seeing Sephiroths black feather float down near Zack in BBS, an NPC with a line or two in the dialogue, something not important to the main plot but a, 'HEY NEAT!' sorta thing. Those characters still belong to the KH universe, they belong in this story and I really hope and pray and wish with all my heart that they dont become cameos. That they stay part of the story. That we get to fight along side them again some day, help them in some endeavor related to their story, or find out more of their story in this universe. I want them to stay. Because to me, they will still always be part of the KH world where I loved them most. And I dont want them to just fade away.
  6. So I was on twitter today and saw that a group of fans had held an informal get together at downtown disney with KH cookies and cakes and all kinds of foods and party favors to celebrate KH3 and Soras birthday. It got me thinking about a lot of stuff and it gave me an idea. Wouldnt it be so cool if the entire fandom had a day like that? A day people marked on calendars, took off work if they could for a few days to get together to spend time with other fans in real life? Like going to a convention but just for KH fans. I think it would be awesome just in general if KH had either an official or fan run convention every year but I doubt SE or disney are likely to hold one, and fans organizing it could work but I dont know how that'd get started. So I thought what about a step down from a convention? Wouldnt it be cool if there was a fan wide meet up at disney parks on Soras birthday/ the anniversary of KH1? Everyone could meet infront of the entrance, in KH shirts and talk and exchange fan art then everyone would go in the parks together for if not the day, just a couple hours or something. Take big group pictures, and represent their KH pride in the parks and just have a good time. I know there is a group who goes into the parks in KH cosplay on Halloween when you're allowed to dress up, but I think having a similar meet up on Soras birthday would be really cool too. Idk, I've gone to a few of the KH concerts and it just makes me want more and more to have more things like it. More large organized KH fan meet up type things. I think a convention would be the coolest thing to have though.
  7. Of the choices I would say the seasalt trio reunion. But the one that made me the most emotional though was the scene at the end with them back together on the clock tower. I didnt expect it to be, but when I saw it, I tried so hard not to but I couldn't stop it and just started crying hard because they were home! They were together again, happy, free to live and go where they wanted and they were HOME. They did it, they found each other, and I just couldnt handle it! T^T
  8. I had a thought today and I know it might sound out there, but just hear me out. We have never got an in universe reason for why Xion has black hair. She by all rights, as looking like Kairi as Sora remembers her, and her looking like Kairi to Roxas because she became someone dear to him like Kairi was to Sora should look like Kairi. And I know she has black hair because one of the people working on the game (I dont recall who but it's true) thought she should and Nomura approved. But in universe there still needs to be a reason. I originally thought the in universe reason may have been that Xion may have looked exactly like Kairi if she hadnt formed as much of an individual identity. Like, the fact that she came into her own personality, and became her own person, influenced how she looked and changed her from looking exactly like Kairi when Roxas looked at her. Because he knew her as herself, and had no connection to Kairi. Unlike say Riku who had a connection to Kairi and could see Xion as Kairi, and then as herself. Which, we never actually learned outright in Days what Xion as a memory puppet looked like to Xion. We never saw her through her own eyes. Her look was always determined by who we were seeing her through. But, theres a hint from when she was alone in her room, a scene where we were alone with her, where we saw her with black hair. So it's reasonable to think she looked like that to herself. But! What if, Ventus heart in Roxas influenced her appearance too somehow. What if, as KHUX goes on, Ven grows to really like, admire, and trust Skuld, to where she is someone he really treasures-like a sister or even a crush which would make it more Kairi/Sora like. And then, when Roxas sees Xion as a girl he treasures, he sees Kairis face because of Sora, mixed with black hair because of Vens influence on his heart even if he doesnt realize it. Even if Ven doesnt remember, even though his heart is shattered, those memories and feelings would still exist in him. And as for why Aqua wasnt influenced seeing as she is already someone Ven treasures, Xion is the first girl Roxas treasures. And if Skuld was the first girl Ven treasured, I could see that being a decent in universe reason why she got the black hair rather than like blue hair. Or maybe all three are in there!! Kairis face from Sora, black hair from Skuld and blue eyes from Aqua. I doubt we'll ever GET an explicit in universe reason for why Xion ended up with black hair, but if they were to give one, I feel they could get away with this being a reason.
  9. I'm not sure if it's just USA concept but in high school, if you play a certain sport (football ect) theres some sort of criteria that if you meet you're on the varsity team. The varsity team get jackets that would show they are on that team. The jackets always have this very specific look to them as you see in the pic. That's all I know, other than that they look cool
  10. Dude!! Look at these!! They look freaking amazing!
  11. Oh Saix puppy....that concepts ghost still haunts the fandom and fanart to this day I swear!! I see hints of it in fan art all the time and wonder how many people get the reference to something so old!! It makes me cringe a little to hear that name but also makes me kinda nostalgic XD It's funny these memes before memes that burned bright in the fandom once, that got fanart of its own and remade and remixed until they fizzled out but still get references only older fans remember. There was also a Demyx puppy i think once...
  12. They actually got me when Xigbar jumped, and his arrowguns disappeared. I thought, "Wow, that was dark, but a fitting end for him." I thought he was gone. I mean, I knew if he had gone back to being a nobody that he wouldnt be dead and would just get recompleted, and figured that maybe after Xehanort was defeated, he'd get some cameo down the road as Braig and taunt Sora and Co about how they used to fight each other in his classic fashion and how hes off doing his own thing now. And maybe he'd come into play somehow later- i mean he was a popular character why not? Or alternatively, if he wasnt a nobody, I figured they could say in some interview that yeah no he is really dead. So when I heard his voice at the end i was like, "....no....NO WAY!!!" And when he took off his hood my jaw just hit the floor and I was just stunned speachless. Afterwards i just sat there, steam coming out of my ears from thinking over everything that Xigbar had ever said or been involved in and how it all could connect to this.
  13. Okay, hear me out. I know it's been a rocky couple months post KH3 release and people are divided on it. But...I think it would be a great idea to maybe...flood twitter with a big THANK YOU to the KH team for 17 years(!!) of giving so many people-all of us- such a great and wild ride. I've seen and read so many fan KH stories about how the series affected them, how they grew up with it, how it brought them joy or hope or fun or connection or solice or light in the darkness over the years. How they found community, friends, spouses, or passions through the fandom. How they feel now that even though KH is far from done, KH3- the end of the Dark Seeker Saga-felt like a bookend on their childhoods. The joy, the melancholy, the strange feeling they cannot identify from this huge part of their lives that they followed, talked and speculated over for so many years now being over. And how they look to the future, and cant wait to see what happens next. There have been ups and downs, highs and lows over the years. Flame wars, hype, discussion and discovery and lining all the pieces up. And now that we stand here at an end that for so long looked like it would never come, and I go back and replay those old games, listen to that music, read those novels so long awaited, I look back at that team who made it all, all those names in the credits and just want to say THANK YOU! I want them all to know and feel how glad and proud of them I and so many others are for their hard work. But, I'm only one voice in a see of millions of fans and I know that my voice alone wouldnt reach them. So, KH fandom, if you'd be so kind, would you help me to bring our thanks to the KH team? Through art, or screenshots of your KHUX Chibi, whatever you'd like even if it's just in text will you please help me make this a thing big enough that they would see it and respond? We'd need a Hashtag for it so lets go with this, #ThankYouKHTeam Please spread this idea everywhere if you like it!! And even if this goes no where, if this is nothing but a shout into the void, I can at least say I tried. ? But I really think this would be such an awesome Fandom wide project/thing to do and follow. Thanks for reading this far! He's to the next 17 years! Cheers!
  14. I've noticed a lot of people talking about wanting a Days remake on twitter and other places and I think it ought to have a hashtag. Or a place to talk about it, or even just a place for Days fans to share stuff specifically about it. Because there seem to be a lot of people talking about it but we're all scattered arround. It'd be cool if it was all in one place. Anyone got any ideas? I think #RemakeDays is simple enough, but if anyone has any clever ideas for one that'd be cool. And no, I dont care if it's unlikely the game will get a remake. It'd still be nice to have a place to talk about Days for Days fans.
  15. I dont think equating adding grittiness/graphic/violent/cursing ect content into the game to the game being more "mature" is the correct way to look at it. Those things arent intrinsic to anything being more mature in nature it just means they have those things in it. Maturity is more in it's themes, messages, characters and their arcs and ect. Not in how dark or gritty the content or graphics or whats visually on scene. Take something like Avatar TLA, or Korra which is similar in the vein of KH in being geared towards a younger demographics but is still deals with incredibly mature themes. I would actually argue that KH3 and KH in general, despite being targeted for younger people is actually very mature. Even if its not graphic, it deals with things like: loss, betrayal, treason, death of friends in a physical sense and death of friendships, the melancholy and cold feeling of people growing apart as they grow up, loss of innocence and the challenging of optimism in the face of extreme circumstances and so much more. Those are very mature themes and arcs that these characters go through, without the need to be graphic. Sora stabbing himself and turning to light in HB to save Kairi, Xion fading to crystal in Roxas arms, Axel fading away into dark mist, Demyx screaming in anguish as he fades away (or in the manga where he looks right at Sora and crying says, "I...don't want to fade away...Roxas...") all of those have so much impact even though they are more cartoonish than graphic and are handled with a lot of maturity. And Soras journey from KH1 to KH3 also shows his maturing. He gets angry, he breaks down, he gets confronted with a world and situations that requires more than a cheery smile and hope to overcome. His optimism, his positivity his willingness to accept and encourage even fails him when talking to Vanitas in the KG, and we see him desperately trying to convince Vanitas and have that optimistic nature overcome the darkness. We see him fail to convince Repliku that he is his own person, and he sees that you can be so full of light, offer that to others and in the end it not work. It not save or convince someone. That is a very mature theme, a realistic and grown up theme. So no, I dont think KH would be better if it were more 'mature' by adding blood, gore, graphic violence, cussing or more intense dialogue. Sometimes it does get cheesy like saying 'hurt' a million times in Coded, or not saying the word kill (instead saying annihilated, or end their life) but I dont really think it suffers for those things because of everything else in the series.
  16. And i dont mean a KH3 style remake, maybe bring it up to look like KH2 or BBS and put it on the switch or something. The game structure is unchanged just like in other FMs- we're just adding stuff. So, what would you want? I'd like extra cutscenes between Axel and Saix, mayhe flashbacks to when they first joined or their time before being a nobody and encoutering X. Maybe even have more time with Axel, or more reports be unlockable from what he was thinking at the time with Roxas looking like Ven and ect. I'd also like Roxas and Xion to have more missions together and more dialogue between the two. Like have missions to some worlds where he originally went alone be with her and they have more conversations or something. Same with other Org members. Now that we know what they are, I'd like hints of it in their dialogue in these interactions. Or at least have us get to know them and flesh them out a little better. Maybe even have a new world or two like with Pinocchio. There were plans to have that included. Secret bosses! And how cool would it be to give it a secret movie? One that gave us a hint at Xigbars identity, or the KHUX connections between Axel and Saix or Xemnas plan with the ancient keybares or something? What would you want to see?
  17. I've been on reddit over the last month talking to new fans who were either introduced to the series through KH3 and want to talk to fans about previous games, or are even going back after playing 3 and starting the series over because they liked 3 so much. They are out there and I love talking with them and try to be super encouraging and welcoming because some people do hate on them for starting with the ending even though it got them interested. And I think it's really important to field their questions and catch them up on lore and history and background things that have long gone into unspoken understanding in the fandom because they've been talked about so much. Because they are us older fans in like the late 2000s right now (minus the waiting for kh3) and it's really obvious they wanna talk and fanboy/girl out about stuff with other fans. Even if it's old hat for us, it's really cool to see people coming into it for the first time. And it's up to us older fans to make the community welcoming because they never got that exp we did when we came into it. They didnt get to nerd out with other people and speculate and talk about it all like we did when it all came out. So here they are doing it now and even though a lot of the gaps are filled I can still see that excitement in the new fans that we had back then when it was new to us. And I hope people dont squash it and ruin it for them. It's actually really cool to see people talking about stuff that hasnt been on the forums in years from these new fans because we already talked it all out.
  18. Demyx name can only be one of a few possibilities since there are so few letters left. But I think these could be likely: Myde, Dyme, or Edym. (MY-DEE, dime, or ED-eem) Luxords I am so curious because I mean, theres not a lot they can combine to make a sensical name. His is gonna be weird. Ludor is what I've got my money on because it actually sound like a name. But I guess others are Rould, Uoldr, Oludr, Dulor. Cant think of any others that sound like names for him
  19. Probably because a lot of the fandom was still adolescents back then! Lol! Fan art and fanfic in general has grown up alot mostly because the fans have grown ul. Its weird to think back to or even see old art before things like memes were a thing when we were all still going through the cringy fandom phase! ? My favorites were the Xemnas and Xigbar reports comic. It was very funny and i still find scans of it randomly floating arround out there
  20. ....ok so I was on pinterest the other day and i saw this picture of of a boy with red and blonde hair and a name came to mind I havent thought of in probably a decade. Any one remember Roxel? Oh god just typing that name brings back such cringe from my adolescence. He was a fan art character from way back that was a fusion of Axel and Roxas. And he was EVERYWHERE for a while there used to be a lot of art for him back in the day. I dont even remember where he came from but dear god I completely forgot about him. I dont know when he fizzled out as a concept but I'm now filled with a desire to go find more of him just so see what I find. Anyone else remember him? I know there was also a Riku and Sora version of him but I dont recal his name.
  21. Scorbunny for now but Sobble is reaaly close second. I think it'll come down to their final designs for me in the end. Not a huge fan of grookey. Just dont like the design.
  22. Can we have a thread dedicated as a place to post any lucky emblems you find in real life? I love how this has become a thing with everyone.
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