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Captain Admiral R

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About Captain Admiral R

  • Birthday 03/03/1990

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  1. I just didn't like the whole "bait and switch" feel to the reveal. I wasn't expecting a FF7 remake, I've long since given up on it, I was mainly hoping for maybe another glimpse at Type-0 or something. Then Hashimoto himself stepped up and "Final Fantasy VII" flashed across the screen... I must say, it took me by surprise. Then they started showing the original game footage and I waited for it to transition to new graphics... But it never happened. It was poorly handled, and such an announcement should not have been made during the keynote.
  2. This video sums up my reaction to all this: Square-Enix does what Nintendenix.
  3. And Square just trolled EVERYONE!! Good Night, everybody!!!!!

  4. A lot of fans, especially ones that straight-up loathed the prequels are in "Fool me once..." mode. Memories of the Episode I trailer causing this massive hype unlike anything else are coming back. Go on a Star Wars fansite, or the comments section of a large website discussing the trailer, you'll probably find people tearing it to pieces, and lots of arguments. Me, well, I don't hate the prequels. I think they could have been better, yeah, and there's definitely some script issues. But I liked Episode I when it came out (I was 9), and my parents did too, (even my dad who hates sci-fi/fantasy movies), and I didn't even know that so many people hated Episode I until I got an internet connection. Still, I think it's best to go into the next film not too hyped yet not too skeptical. I'm just gonna throw everything I expect out the window on the day the film comes out. Until then, I'll just enjoy the ride.
  5. Saw this earlier today. Sweet Jedi Arceus. It's got a different feel from what I'm used to, and I like it so far. Lot of complaining already from what I've heard. Especially about the lightsaber. It looks pretty cool imo. Also this film won't come out for another year, it's just a teaser, a glimpse.
  6. I have strep throat. Goody goody gumdrops.

  7. I would buy this if I had some extra disposable income, but unfortunately I don't. I already own 1.5 anyways, so I'll just stick with my original preorder.
  8. Most likely in 2016. Hopefully earlier in the year, but with Square-Enix, you'll never know.
  9. There's a slight chance it could work, but all signs point towards it being awkward if Star Wars was included. Like, the Pirates of the Carribean world was a cool concept, and it's neat having Jack Sparrow as a party member, but the world just seemed out of place, especially in the cutscenes. It just felt kinda awkward. And yet, Tron worked well in KH2, in my opinion. So, who really knows how it would work out? We would just have to see for ourselves.
  10. Indeed, I'm not hardcore enough to 100% Critical Mode if that's what you're implying. =)
  11. Ah, the grind for synthesis materials was a pain in the original game, and it looks like it's even worse in the Final Mix version. Wonder how many hours it'll take me to 100% Proud Mode.
  12. The Smash Brothers Supreme Court is a harsh one, it seems.
  13. First they announce that they're taking down the Hollywood Studios Sorcerer's Hat, now a fire at the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train. Did I leave an omen at Disney World or something? o_o

  14. I watched some of Vinny from Vinesauce's streams and it was absolutely hilarious. A game I certainly want to play in the future, but I need to burn through some of my backlog first.
  15. What a crazy Halloween for me... Back to the grind for now. Hmm...

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