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Joseph Ortiz

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  1. It was insanely hard choosing between KH2 and KH3D, but in the end I have to go with 3D because it shows more characters (some of which we had never seen in high-res before) and the music is better than Passion in terms of how it encompasses the game series as a whole as opposed to how Passion only concerns KH2.
  2. To be honest, I have no idea what other KH forum sites there are. I found out about this one through the downloadable cutscenes and started from there a good couple years ago.
  3. I found playing Birth By Sleep a lot more memorable than 3D to be honest. I'm currently giving 3D another shot, but not far enough to give a second opinion yet.
  4. I feel that question is a bit unfair as Sora has had the most games in which he is the main and/or only play be character in the game. Riku and Roxas are the only characters with more than one game, and they only have two.
  5. I played the original before it was cool.
  6. Not very many to be honest. Maybe 2 or 3. I've had a lot of games on my plate since the Christmas of 2 years ago as well as my birthday and still haven't beat all the ones I got since then. As a result, I've haven't been buying as many games as I used to.
  7. Kingdom Hearts II blows all of the games out of the water in terms if gameplay. There's still no game that even comes close to how much fun it is to kill heartless in that game. NONE.
  8. I like never use the thing, and probably won't. Especially with the KH remasters containing the final mix versions.
  9. My favorite out of all of them would definitely have to be the secret ending from KHIIFM. Not only is the battle sequence one of the most amazing things I've seen from Kingdom Hearts TO THIS DAY, but it's also the video that made me realize that I want to become a 3D animator so that I can make scenes that would match it in spectacle, detail, and just plain awesomeness.
  10. Hell yeah! I got those bitches day friggin one!
  11. That'll definitely be the first game I buy for the PS4 and the game who's release will be the time at which I buy a PS4.
  12. Pooed myself because I got the collector's edition over a week early. Then I played KH2FM
  13. It's between Days and Re:Coded. Both are equally terrible.
  14. If we're only talking about the English versions, then I prefer Sanctuary just because the song actually makes sense with itself...sort of. At least more so than Simple and Clean. The song makes no sense not only with the game, but just in general. Sanctuary doesn't even make that much senseems when compared to the Japanese songs. They actually talk about something that the games focus on. Hikari focuses on light, the entire basis for the series and Passion focuses on time passing by which is a big part of KH2. I don't mind them changing the songs into English for the U.S. release, I just wish they would at least have them make sensemble when in context to the game.
  15. KHFM wasn't much to sneeze at but seeing as I think the original Kingdom Hearts was already perfect, there's not much to add to it to make it better. KH2FM on the other hand was amazing in every sense of the word. I literally played it twice in a row (1st in English, then in Japanese) and had a fantastic time doing so. All in all, the final mixes are the definitive versions of Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 aND I can no longer think of them in any other way.
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