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Everything posted by Winchester

  1. So...yeah...this is extremely embarrassing but I feel like this has to be done because believe it or not, I actually really do have a conscience. For those of you who knew me on my old account, or have been offended by me and my multiple personalities, I apologize. Sincerely. I'm utterly heartbroken because now I can't show my face around here anymore without shame. I used Raziel to unleash the true monster that's inside of me and I will carry this guilt with me for the years to come, especially because this website is the only one in existence that I would be interested in making friends on since this series is my passion. Trust me, I have shed actual real tears over this, because I really do wish I could have been that kind guy that I was basically faking to be. This will be my last post, in order to leave on a good note and to make sure that my evil presence is gone forever. I promise. I feel so bad for the mods that have to deal with me all the time. Especially you, Flaming Lea. I'm honestly not trying to be rude by not reading your PMs, I'm just ashamed of myself is all. Wow, I cried a lot while typing this. Guys, I truly am dead inside. Goodbye, KH13. T_T ~K.M.
  2. I recently moved to the L.A. area September of last year so I'm HIGHLY excited that I will be able to go to as many E3's as I want!!! The thing is, I've never been to one so does anyone know how it works? Main questions: 1. Can you buy your tickets online? 2. Is this new Square Enix conference being held at E3 itself viewed on the screen there or is it at some other building? I must take advantage of this since it's literally less than 20 mins away from me!
  3. There are no visual setbacks...In fact, there has been an interview with Nomura where he mentioned that the graphics that we have seen in the two trailers that we've gotten are FAR from the final product and will be MUUUCH better. The trailer that was only shown to a select few people at some event last year proves that statement because everyone who saw it said the graphics and lighting have been massively updated compared to the first two trailers. The PS3 or 360 won't be able to handle it since that's the case.
  4. Yes they WERE in the RoD at the end of KH2. Riku even says to Sora "If the world is made up of light and darkness...we'll be the darkness." And sora sits down on the beach and says "Yeah." Plus the the glowing rocks there are EXACTLY the same as the ones in the RoD. Those special rocks wouldn't be used in a different world. And on TOP of those points Aqua says that she has been wandering endlessly for years when she reaches the beach. You can't just "wander" out of the RoD. And it looks like the same beach because it /is/ the same beach...They were just there at a different time than Sora and Riku...Flaming Lea is not needed here.
  5. lol it's funny to see my thread bumped after this long. Yes, I'm the topic creator. And they do this every April 1st.
  6. And have Sora become a Keyblade Master and take him under his wing, epically training him. We still have yet to see a newly named Master train anyone...So I wonder if we'll ever see Riku train someone. It would suck if we didn't, because that's one of the Master's main aspects...Training new Keyblade weilders.If it never showed Riku train anyone over the course of this series, it would just be a title for the sake of the title and that would be pretty...lame.
  7. Hmm...I think I like this idea. I'm REALLY hoping that KH3 is the hardest game in the series since it's the final showdown and it needs that feeling of intensity. That would definitely make the game harder, so that's a plus. I want to have a sense of accomplishment for killing bosses, because since I'm SO SKILLED at KH games now, I can clear the entirety of KH1 on Proud with dying only 3 times total, and TWO of those were totally weird and like "how did I even die here...-_-"
  8. This wouldn't be good news at ALL, even if it /were/ true. It would just mean more people and resources separated from working on KH3...The group making that game COULD BE WORKING ON KH3 TO SPEED UP ITS' DEVELOPMENT PROCESS. WE'VE ALREADY BEEN WAITING 10 YEARS. So, thanks, but NO thanks. (My screams aren't directed towards you, just the people who actually want something like this. The development process of KH3 would be DRAMATICALLY slower if they didn't have the extra help they could have been using instead of stupidly wasting time on something like this.)
  9. Not to mention it would feel random as hell and ruin the feel that this saga gave/gives with it being pretty much pure Disney. It would make more sense to put it in the next saga, but even then I prefer the cutesy disney aspect of these games.
  10. It would be dumb if he was a lion again. Yeah it was awesome the first time, but let KH3 be UNIQUE and have a DIFFERENT animal for sora to be, such as a fox in a Fox and the Hound world, or a wolf in whatever Disney movie that revolves around wolves. There's bound to be one. That would be so much cooler...Canines are superior in coolness. Plus SCREW adding in Disney worlds that we've already freakin' been to and add something else we have NEVER been to. You literally didn't even list a single new one, when there are SO MANY amazing possibilites such as Hawaii in Lilo and Stitch (not that lame Deep Space garbage), Pocahontas, Brother Bear (bear cub Sora omg.), The Black Cauldron, ETC. I'll make an exception for Halloween Town because it could possibly look like real claymation with PS4 graphics and that would be outstanding. But NO MORE REPEATS.
  11. Yeah this frog isn't even a boss. It's just a dream eater, and one of the easiest to kill at that. It just takes forever to kill since it has 12 bars of HP. While it's very possible this suggested world might be in KH3, I don't think this is a hint at all. It doesn't resemble anything in that movie other than the fact that it's a frog prince. If it were, it'd be the /only/ dream eater to represent a Disney character. Another reason why I don't think it is...
  12. He's not going to look like Ventus if he comes back...Why would he? Wrong. Plus he's even voiced by Haley...(Sora). And it showed him as Sora in DDD. That would be lame, anyways. It wouldn't be Vanitas anymore. I'm pretty sure he's going to possess Sora somehow. In fact, it's almost a given, thinking about how amazing it would be. I'd actually be pissed if it didn't happen.
  13. Alike?! Dude you read my MIND LOL. I also have thought about the feeling of "it would be awesome to see them age, because we age and grow up with them." x D! Especially since I've been playing this series since 2004; even before CoM came out for the GBA. You should stream some of your KH3 playthrough live! I LOVE how the PS4 can do that so easily with literally the press of a single button.
  14. I could not agree with you more about them GROWING UP for the next saga. I like you; your opinions always match mine! Lol. I've seen some people on this site argue against such an amazing idea, saying they don't want to ever see Sora turn even 18. Just stay 16 for the rest of the series. That's a horrendous opinion, in my opinion. I want to see what they're up to when they're older too. They're not ageless! They AGE!
  15. You don't need KH3 for this answer when the games already throw it at our faces...-_- Xehanort has 100% control. They wouldn't willingly stay dormant, imprisoned inside Xehanort's damn heart for ELEVEN YEEAARS. If they had ANY sort of control over Xehanort's body, then there would have been a hint. I don't know if you knew this or not, but the new Xehanort IS Terranort. He has so much control that he's able to look like his real self. Terranort died in BbS and turned into Ansem SoD/Xemnas, who then died and reformed back into Terranort, which is basically just Xehanort with 2 hearts he has imprisoned inside of him just like Ven is imprisoned inside Sora's. He has 100% control. END of story.
  16. It's been so many years since I've played KH2 so it might be something that is mentioned in the game but my PS3 broke last year so I wasn't able to get 2.5. So at the end of KH1 as we all know, Sora seals the final keyhole, which Leon says will make all worlds divided again and impossible to travel to because of invisible force fields I'm guessing, since they describe the worlds as having "walls". ...Yet that's obviously not the case because KH2 exists. How is Sora able to travel through these walls?
  17. Your theory IS NOT plausible. At ALL. EVER. NEVER. Wtf are you talking about? You have it all backwards. You forgot the fact that in KH1, they said the worlds WERE PERMANENTLY DIVIDED /before/ the events of KH1. Making travel to them LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE. There were walls around them, or whatever. Sora would have NEVER met Kairi because of that. What you said makes literally no sense lol. You imply they were divided in KH1-beyond, yet travel to them was possible. ...Lolwut? Your idea of divided is incorrect. The worlds were NEVER a part of a whole. Not being able to travel to them at all is what they meant by divided. You must have misunderstood Aerith. They were always seperate and divided until KH1. It was because of Xehanort that people found out about other worlds because of the walls taken down from the Heartless. NOONE knew about other worlds until Xehanort created the Heartless. That was the first thing we learned from Aerith in Traverse Town lmao...Don't argue with me and make me waste my time finding that video for you. Do your own research. Plus, YOU CAN'T CHANGE DESTINY. If it were possible, Xehanort would have done so by now. He probably knows this because he might have even tried to change events himself yet failed. If it WERE possible, we wouldn't have been introduced to that fact in the first place.
  18. Lol weird coincidence. My user name and the fact that Dean is my profile pic right here lol
  19. The ONLY Marvel movie I would accept into KH3 is Guardians of the Galaxy, simply because that movie is epic as fukc lol. Rocket Raccoon would be so cool as a party member. He's a talking animal so it...Kinda fits? Haha
  20. Lmao dude, I know exactly what you mean but don't feel bad because it took me TEN YEARS to beat Sephiroth in KH1 LOL! I could never beat him in the original PS2 version, so when I got 1.5, I made it my life /mission/ to defeat him. Wow, now THAT boss is hard. I beat Mysterious Figure on my fourth try. (Although I was lvl 99 on Ven and didn't even attempt him on Terra or Aqua because it's still a pain in the ass.)
  21. DDD's opening showed them all fighting Xehanort at the graveyard. Pretty sure that's what we call a foreshadow.
  22. Yeah I can't believe one of my worst fears has come to reality. The game will still be amazing regardless, though. We still have tons of other awesome voice actors to look forward to such as Hayden Panettierre, Jesse, etc. It's going to be so awesome to finally hear Hayden in major scenes again after this long. Hell, she even did the entire series of Heroes in the time we've been waiting for this game...All in all, I think the fun factor this game will have is going to overwhelm any sense of disappointment of a slightly different sounding Xehanort. Even the fact that I'm going to be able to say "I have Kingdom Hearts Fukcing 3 in my hands right now" will alone. lol
  23. I'll be SURE to come back here and ask what you though about Sora and Kairi's first kiss if it happens. You can't see the future. And you didn't even answer the question. How would you feel if it REALLY DID happen? Thanks to the mod who deleted the line where I explained that question more. -_-
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