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Everything posted by Winchester

  1. lol before I even read this post that is literally my exact story word for word. I'm glad it was just a browser issue.
  2. lol thanks, that section looks addictive! You're going to be right. x D
  3. Thanks! Got quotes working, had to download a different browser
  4. Awesome, did you know that there's ENGLISH cutscenes in it too? Only in theatre mode, so you have to beat the game first...But still pretty cool!
  5. idk if I'm doing anything wrong, but when I click "quote" under someone's post, it directs me to the message box at the bottom of the page but it doesn't end up posting the line of code for the quote. Before I download another browser to try it on, is this a known issue or is it most likely on my end?
  6. Thanks, I have it neatly wrapped and under my pillow for safe-keeping, haha
  7. Since I LOVE Kingdom Hearts, I really wanted to join a fan-site and found this one to be the most appealing; I really like how easy it is to read the news and hop onto the forums! Other things I love: The TV series Supernatural (What my username and user pic refers to, if you didn't know. OMG I CAN'T WAIT until the season 10 premier in ONE day!!!), everything Disney, Harry Potter, SUPER SMASH BROS. FOR 3DS, Pokémon games, aaannd....Guardians of the Galaxy. Lol I couldn't think of anything else super massive so I ended on one of the best movies I've ever seen. : p Thanks for taking your time to read my introduction; I hope to meet some friendly people! ^-^
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