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Everything posted by Kimbo

  1. I draw. Mostly manga but I can do portraits and such as well. I post most of my KH Art here and made artwork for many KH youtubers such as HMK, Skywardwing, EdoninjastormHD and Xtuzia. I prefer making traditional art with water colors and pencils recently so I don't post as much as I used to
  2. The biggest and baddest mostly, I'm not afraid of anything. Though anything spinning makes me sick and I cannot get on some of those extreme rides if your legs are hanging because my left leg is paralyzed and I wouldn't want it to end up in my neck or something.
  3. Depends on how good and how expensive the new consoles will be. I might pick up the NX if it's something that interests me because of the Nintendo exclusives, but otherwise I'll just pick up a Wii u on sale.
  4. In Amsterdam there's this ice cream with whipped cream mixed around it...ITS SOOO GOOD.
  5. I collect all of them but I don't like it that much...I'd rather collect stuff like concept art or music pieces.
  6. This man knows what's up.Chloe is so much more cooler than Elena.
  7. How can you guys eat this in the morning?! In my country it is normal to eat a biscuit or some bread with coffee or tea. But I hate breakfast so I just drink something liquid like hot chocolate milk or tea.
  8. I smile a lot, but I don't really mean it. Just to keep up appearances. I'm just not a very smiley person.
  9. I don't really mind them, but I hate it when there are there damn impossible mini games that are required to get certain trophies. I hate those. So if they are optional it's okay. Some are actually a lot of fun.
  10. I voted for: *Yoko Shimomura: Kingdom hearts *Yuki Kajiura: Fate/Zero *Nobuo Uematsu: Final Fantasy
  11. Grand theft auto V: I personally don't like it. I suck at the controls and have 10 years olds shouting at me that I am stupid when I play online. Then when I do complete a mission they shoot me and I lose the money I made. Loading times are also horrible. Just not my type of game I guess... Red dead redemption: I haven't played it yet...*hides in shame* Heard it's great though. Bioshock infinite: Great visuals and a solid shooter with nice powers to use. I just thought the story started off great and became irrelivant after a while, which made me lose interest. L.A. Noire: I really enjoyed this game. The main thing you do is solve crimes by looking for clues and interrogate people. It is really satisfying when the bad guy is behind bars. Controls for driving and shooting can be a bit clunky though. Stil, it's decent entertainment. The Elder scrolls V: Skyrim: When I first started playing this game I hated it. I got killed of by nearly everything. But then I stole this really badass sword and took over the world as the dragon born. The side quests are all so interesting and the lore is almost endless. The combat is a bit...weird. It feels like you're not hitting anything. But that all is easily forgiven. This game is as good as people say.
  12. All of the Zelda games Kid Icarus uprising Fire emblem awakening Xenoblade 3D
  13. Haha cool! Glad I could help All info is on the deviantart site, but you can also send me a PM anytime! ...No I don't think so. I drew the one with the Tangled world...or wait that wasn't for the contest...maybe the one with Atlantis Sora I think. I don't remember ever drawing sora with baymax.Thanks for the compliments! I'll post it on deviantart tomorrow. I know your group so I'll send a request for a feature in the gallery. Also, Skywardwing commissioned me for this piece. Of course I'd love to do the other X-keepers sometime, but I just cannot fit free drawings into my tight schedule. Oh it is New York? I didn't know, I just used the background from skywardwings last art piece because he asked me to do so
  14. 1. Kingdom Hearts II 2 The Witcher 3 3 Zelda: Majora's Mask 4 Uncharted 2 5 Shadow of the Colossus 6 Kingdom Hearts 7 Zelda: The Wind Waker 8 Zelda: Twilight Princess 9 Fire Emblem: Awakening 10 World Ends with You That's pretty accurate.
  15. Hey guys it's Kimbolie12! I might have seemed a bit inactive lately, but I'm just really busy with my studies. I just finished a 10.000 word paper...I feel so empty inside. Anyways, another thing I finished is my station of awakening portrait for Skywardwing! Like Shield, I was also commissioned by him. After lots of hard work, this is the finished product! You can check out my other works, tutorials, video's and such here: http://kimbolie12.deviantart.com/ https://www.youtube.com/kimbolie12 https://twitter.com/kimbolie12 https://www.facebook.com/kimbolie12/
  16. Far cry 4 (PS4) Game of thrones book set Green tea flavored kit kat (they really do taste like tea) Micron fineliners A3 paper Socks A lamp And €30 from my grandparents. I did expect presents since I also bought presents for my family. We each gave each other two or three presents. My birthday is next Friday on January 1st, so I'll be getting a couple more presents
  17. sora, Riku, kairi, Mickey, Lea, Ventus, Aqua, Young Xehanort and Young Eraques. Maybe even Terra and/or Roxas if they return.
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