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Everything posted by BlankShell

  1. I thought the Megazord was a little underwhelming but seeing the Zords run out to "Go Go Power Rangers" was pretty damn fantastic. It was a bit of a mishmash tonally, but I think part of that could just have been setting things up for more films, which I'd like to get.
  2. Original story, but I imagine using the first game as inspiration is the best bet. It feels the most well-rounded in terms of cinematic narration.
  3. Less content than I was hoping, but oh well. Should be a HSC coming up soon, looking forward to that (especially if it's Young Xehanort).
  4. I hate it when fans complain about other people complaining
  5. Which ones? I have a max level Fenrir (35) but that's the only one, and that still says max. Maybe they only introduced it for certain Keyblades? They raised it in JP for .1 increments, but the appearance is the same.
  6. I was able to snag the CE way back when (three years ago, yikes) but it was definitely worth the investment for it, and these are all great items.
  7. ... so THAT'S their strategy. Interesting. Might actually do this... have enough for a mercy... Of course, no inventory space because WHERE MY GUILT CAMPAIGN
  8. Certainly possible. I'm surprised we haven't gotten Avatar Boards for them before now, honestly. But further down the line I'd expect some medals.
  9. Winter, because of Frozen, but Shibuya would be nice too.
  10. Huh, that's more dedicated merch than I ever expected to see. Not bad. Not a big Halloween guy, but this'll make cosplaying easier for many others. (the photoshop's pretty bad though =P)
  11. *waits patiently for people to realize superhero shows are just soap operas with a bigger budget*
  12. Especially with Proud Mode, I tend to think getting rid of medals is a bad idea; you can always find SOME use for it. Zexion B, for instance, is the only random-target attack buffer, which comes in handy for Proud quests that only allow random target medals. I think they will come back at some point, but definitely don't get rid of anything.
  13. Fun fact: there's a fox sitting in Sora's lap. Anyway, I doubt it. Even if they've decided on the general design, Nomura usually doesn't have the finalized artwork until later in the process.
  14. Haha, Gem, sorry. Too similar in terminology, always get them mixed up.
  15. The hell is a no-show sock? Is that what they call ankle socks? Everybody should just get a 24-pack of white full length socks from Costco like I do and quit with their fancy footwear!
  16. I just gave it the default. RPG naming is always something I really struggle with (I'm not creative on command!) but even if I had more of a flair for it... ship-naming is pretty low on my list of priorities, especially since you almost never see it in-game.
  17. Nothing that's a must get (was nearing my Persona 5 playthrough end before my vacation, so that'll tide me over after I get back), but I'm very curious to see the reception to Hellblade. Conceptually it's a fascinating game, but that doesn't always translate to "fun" so we'll see.
  18. I almost didn't go for the VIP. Almost. But the motherloving Gem quest got me.
  19. I'm not big on ringtones, honestly, so none of the above. I typically keep my phone on silent.
  20. Gotta go with Drill Punch. Hopefully they're not too OP, but we'll see. I think they'll be balanced enough.
  21. Solid remix. Takes a lot of cues from the Kingdom Mix from DDD, but has a fresh spin. Hopefully it'll see release one day...
  22. No mercy no pull! Hard pass. I'm wiped of jewels anyway after 0.2 Kairi. Gonna save em up.
  23. Eh. I've never been big on summons. If they could be more smoothly incorporated into combat, maybe, but Summons in the FF and KH universes, by and large, are a lot of showy visual effects that take up way too much time.
  24. I like my nerd shirts subtle, so just an enemy emblem, preferably Nobodies, or maybe Unversed. Oh, and ideally in color, or at least a grey of some kind; I've got enough black shirts just because that's easiest for print.
  25. Perfect start to my vacation Of course I'll probably have to buy the VIP since I'm hella low on evolve materials, since I keep selling mine! Need a Special Attack Bonus campaign, like, yesterday.
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