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Everything posted by CharlieMemorial

  1. Sorry, this is my last one, I promise. I added a background color and put a shirt on terra. http://kh13.com/forum/gallery/image/39851-colored-better-png/ Shoot. Great job Josh!
  2. CharlieMemorial

    Colored Better Png

    Sorry, this is my last one, I promise. I added a background color and put a shirt on terra.
  3. Please please please, I hope I'm not late! http://kh13.com/forum/gallery/image/39850-colored-better/
  4. CharlieMemorial

    Colored Better

    I finished painting it, I hope I'm not too late.
  5. Touched up and corrected, this will be my last one if I don't finish painting it in time. Good luck to all! http://kh13.com/forum/gallery/image/39848-inked/
  6. CharlieMemorial


    I made some touch ups and corrections. I went over it in pen to make it dark enough to see and I cleaned some lines. I am also going to try to color it, but I may not be done in time for that.
  7. Yet another entry. I drew it out this time, but my scanner didn't pick up each stroke, so it looks different than it does in real life. Again though, good luck everyone! http://kh13.com/forum/gallery/image/39833-drawn/ Negative version that's less bright on the eyes: http://kh13.com/forum/gallery/image/39834-drawn-negative/ I'm gonna finally get some sleep
  8. CharlieMemorial

    Drawn Negative

    I really like the look of it in the negative, the white is not as harsh on the eyes.
  9. CharlieMemorial


    Here is is, finally hand drawn my scanner didn't pick up the pencil strokes that well, so it looks a bit funny compared to the real life version... I'm gonna get some sleep. Good luck to everyone!
  10. I am having so much fun with this that I decided to just keep making more. Here are two more submissions. I plan on drawing this, but I figured I'd post this in case I'm not finished in time. http://kh13.com/forum/gallery/image/39830-kh2-remix-characters/ Here, I added a bit of code to highlight Re:Coded a bit more http://kh13.com/forum/gallery/image/39831-kh2-remix-characters-with-code/ Good luck yet again everyone!
  11. I added a bit of "code" to try to help feature Re:Coded
  12. Here's another submission. I am going to try to actually draw this as well, but I wanted to get the concept out there in case I don't finish in time. When I draw it, I'm going to make the characters on the same level in style, lighting, and background.
  13. I have two more entries, this time digital. They are very similar; one has the KH logo, and the other doesn't. Here's the one without the logo: http://kh13.com/forum/gallery/image/39823-background-final/ Here's the one with the logo: http://kh13.com/forum/gallery/image/39824-baackground-final-2/
  14. CharlieMemorial

    Baackground final 2

    This is the one with the Logo.
  15. CharlieMemorial

    Background Final

    I made some digital fanart for the 2.5 Competition. This took forever because the program I was using kept crashing. I have 2 versions: one with the KH Logo, and another without. Good luck again to everyone! Here's the one without the logo.
  16. This is my 1st submission. I had a lot of fun making this, so I'm thinking about doing another one. Good luck to everyone! http://kh13.com/forum/gallery/image/39781-submission/
  17. CharlieMemorial


    This is my first ever attempt at fanart. I made this with permanent marker and crayons, and I had a lot of fun doing it. This for the 2.5 HD Re:Mix fanart competition thing. Good luck to everyone!
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