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About heartblades

  • Birthday 11/28/1993

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  1. I've thought of starting it, because it looks super cool, but the fandom makes me not want to watch it ever : Is it good? Yes! Hahaha sorry! ^^;
  2. So, does anybody else watch? I told my coworker that I wanted to start watching it, and she let me borrow her DVDs. I just spent the past month binge watching it and finally caught up - just in time for Season 5 that started airing last week! Now that I can't binge watch, at least nothing I haven't seen already, I feel a little empty. But it's also my life right now. Literally all I think about. So dope.
  3. I spent the last like, week and a half watching seasons 3 and 4 of Teen Wolf and I'm FINALLY caught up and now that I have to wait for episodes each week I feel... soo....weird....

  4. I've actually had very little experience with crickets, but when my dad had a house in a more suburban area and I went to visit, he had a cricket problem in the basement apparently. Every time he opened the door to the basement, they would just... jump out at him and you could hear him screaming angrily from all the way upstairs omg I was like that as a kid, too! I still find myself wincing when watching movies. I still can't watch horror movies without jamming my fingers in my ears. I can take the visuals but I guess it's a need to lessen how much it'll affect me. But I still have a thing with balloons. Just the other day my niece was playing with them - she's 2 - and everytime she hugged them, my breath hitched I actually have never seen either of those before! I just looked them up. Eugh. Gross looking D:
  5. You know, the things that make people say "That? Seriously?" Mine is butterflies and moths. It's more of a phobia than anything. I know they're harmless, I know they'll do nothing to me. But I start shaking uncontrollably when one is near. I'll do anything to get away, even if I put myself in danger to do so. My family thinks it's really funny, and will do things to put me in situations where I'll be trapped with them : I'm also terrified of disembodied heads floating. Like when a friend calls you from around a corner, but they only stick their head out so you can't see their shoulders or anything? It especially freaks me out if I didn't hear them call, so I turn around and they're staring at me, just floating there. Euuuuughhhh.
  6. I've been trying to catch up with Teen Wolf and ever since I started Season 4, this song has been in my head
  7. KH, KHII, Re:CoM, Days, BBS, 3D... I think that's generally how I did it... I didn't have some systems so I read a lot of what happened on Wiki before playing it, and it fudges up my memory now.
  8. Finally payday and still not enough to buy both a KCON and One Ok Rock ticket... ;___;

  9. Does anybody else listen to them? They're going to be playing in my city in October. They came here last year too and it was AWESOME! I met a guy on line who hadn't listened to them before and was only going so a friend wouldn't be alone, and he ended up loving them. For anyone who hasn't heard them~
  10. Usually I fall asleep on my back. I think I sleep like that most of the time and wake up on my side.
  11. Hmm.. random fact about me: I am what my friend calls a "journal whore". I will do anything for a pretty journal. I seriously have so many journals and notebooks. They're not even all filled. It's a problem..
  12. My uncle: "Have you gained weight?" Me: "No." My uncle: "Oh. Because you look like you did." Well........ thanks........

    1. Lady Aleister

      Lady Aleister

      Skinny People Problem for me

    2. heartblades


      My family has always had a history of criticizing my weight, so it's a problem for me regardless Dx

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