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Everything posted by Raindrop

  1. Maybe it's because they don't even distribute their own games by themselves here in Europe, since NIS America (oh, the irony) deals with P4G and PQ whereas P4A is published by Zen United...I heard Sega is going to distribute P4A Ultimax, but the release date is still TBA :v
  2. That's exactly what I thought when I first heard about, but this version had already been presented this spring in Japan so it's practically no use. I would have bought it if the New 3DS hadn't been announced though, that design is simply amazing.
  3. Rotfl, in realtà la nostra situazione è complicata, ma non potevo di certo riassumerla in due righe di post (And yes, I'm Italian lol)
  4. Thanks everyone! (: Watch out dude, he's really jealous, and with "really jealous" I mean really, REALLY jealous haha
  5. Hi everyone, my buddy Everglow brought me here and all I have to say is that this site is simply amazing!
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