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Everything posted by TheGuide

  1. Del munched on his toast. "Huh. guess that just leaves you and me, roxas. that is a good idea though, we ought to be ready for the festival." He finished up his breakfast. "Ill go clean my knife. come on up when your ready." He noticed roxas still had plenty of food left. perfect. del walked up to the room, and grabbed the small sum of money he set aside from the last hunt. He hopped out the window and took off down the street. He wanted to make it back before roxas was done. He made it to the market, and picked out a special knife for roxas. He would need one if he was to learn to hunt. it was a beautiful weapon, with a dark steel blade, and black hilt. the man selling it said it was made from buffalo horn. He wanted to do something special for all of the guys, so he bought a book on the history of magic and its outlaw for ven, and a curious little multi-tool gizmo for tails. Of course, he had much more special things planned for those two, but he needed time to get those gifts. for now, he wanted them to get something so they didnt feel left out, and he had to get back to the house ASAP. He ran back home, climbed in, hid the other gifts, and got his cloth out just as roxas walked in.
  2. Seto Dedan Seto wiped the sweat from his brow. he had been up since dawn, tending to the fields, milking the cows, and feeding the livestock. the chickens were always so rambunctious when he walked in with food. He had just tilled up some of the wheat field, because last seasons crop on his fathers farm had been less than satisfactory, so he wanted to make extra sure he would have a good harvest. he didnt like having to sell more livestock than anticipated. He took the plow in to the barn, and walked over to the cows. Trisha, his prize milk cow, was grazing in the field fenced off connected to the barn where the cows were kept. He walked up to her and gently patted her on the head. "youre a good girl, you know that?" as he was praising her, he herd a rustle in the bushes just past the field. he knelt down, and listened. "there it was agian" he thought. he carefully considered when the noise was coming from, held out his palm, and fired a small, compressed blast of air out. it hit the deer straight in the flank, knocked it over, and stunned it. he walked over, took out his hip knife, and finished the job. he hauled it back to his farm, cleaned it up, and began preparing the meat so that it could be preserved. "Something about doing it yourself just....feels good." He liked earning his living on the farm.
  3. Yuki. Did you go super sayian?" pawa said, trying to sound as innocent as possible.
  4. Void tossed light over his shoulder, and began trudging back to thier apartment. They would leave for the shrine as soon as possible, but first they would need to recover from that fight, and touch base with the other miesters if they could. "Heh. We did it bro. We used the resonance move."
  5. Pawa unleashed all the power he could into the beam. But, he was loosing. his beam was retracting, and the kamehameha was growing. "what? what is happening?" within seconds, pawas beam fizzled and he was hit with the kamehameha. He was tossed all the way to the edge of their arena and slammed up agiant one of the mountains. he was pretty banged up. "I swear, if i find out he went super saiyan......" he said between breaths.
  6. Pawa was doing okay. he was keeping up with the kamehameha, but he couldnt go anywhere from here. if this didnt beat yuki, hed be done. "Deep breaths pawa get ready for one last push."
  7. its gonna fun getting seto to where literally ANYONE else is. lol Farming country REPRESENT
  8. Here it comes. "Special Beam Cannon!" He launched his own beam at yuki, colliding with his kamehameha in the center. "Hold focus pawa. dont slip up now."
  9. Pawa gritted his teeth. he was using that move. Pawa only knew of one move in his arsenal that could rival its power. nothing of his own design would stand a chance, so he had to use a move master piccolo taught him. he got into stance, and readied his own move. two fingers to his forehead, just like he was taught.
  10. Pawa took the hit and rolled forward. "that was a cheap trick yuki!" he hurled both his fists at him with his namekian stretching from a distance.
  11. Hey, dont worry about me. focus on yourself!" with that, pawa ducked, letting yukis volley fly over his head, and launched a ki beam through the dust of the explosions.
  12. Guys.......My B-Day is tomorrow......im not ready to be an adult.

    1. Sakuraba Neku

      Sakuraba Neku

      Happy Birthday! ups too soon.

    2. Naegi


      Happy early Birthday!

  13. "Yeah. Breakfast sounds great. well see how many of us want to go once we've eaten." He tossed a pillow at ven. "Breakfast little bro." he walked downstairs to the smell of bacon. "Eggs and Bacon? Awesome!" He sat down, and miles put a plate in front of him. it was different than what he was expecting, because he had never seen the meal prepared like this. but Del took his first bite, and was not disappointed. "Christ, this is delicious!" He shoveled more into his mouth. "where'd you learn to cook like this dude?" shortly after, the twins came down. In between bites, delsin said. "Me and roxas are gonna go hunting after breakfast. either of you guys wanna come with us?"
  14. Pawa knocked the two blasts away with either hand, but had to take the beam straight to the chest. He retaliated with a volley of his own blasts.
  15. Yay! i can post agian!

  16. (im gonna take you up on that aqua) Del sat up. he blinked a bit. He looked around and saw miles laying on the couch, still asleep. Figured he'd be the first up. he always was an early riser. he needed to be living in the wilderness like he did. then, he had a thought. he walked up to the twins room. he opened the door, and tiptoed over to roxas's bed, trying not to wake ven, and shook him a bit. he wispered. "Hey, roxas, how ya feeling? if your up to it, want to come hunting with me? i was gonna go, so i figured i come and see if you want to come with me. its about time i showed you how."
  17. Zelda - "What? link? is that you?" she squeezed links hand. he was right there next to her. "who is that?!"
  18. Suddenly, pawa and yuki were locked in a stalemate. pawa wasnt as strong as yuki, but we was faster.he easily kept up with yukis attacks. however, he needed to come up with a plan fast, yuki was stronger, and he wouldnt be able to withstand his attacks forever.
  19. Void was down on one knee, out of breath. light was laying a few meters away, close to unconsciousness. void stood and staggered over to light. "th-there was someone named yellow star. she was very strong. me and light confronted her, but we got no information until a fight broke out. we tried to hit her, but she was incredibly resistant. we tried our most powerful attack, and that seemed to do some damage, but it wasnt enough before she disappeared. we still dont know anything about her. im sorry we've failed, lord death."
  20. Got a glitch with the site, wont be able to post to any threads for awhile. can still chat though, so i wont be totally transparent.

  21. Pawa landed on his backl, hard. he opened his eyes to yuki launching downward with a kick. he rolled out of the way just in time, and retaliated with his own high kick.
  22. As yuki passed him, he felt something grab his leg. suddenly, he was jerked into the air! "its irritating, if thats what your asking." he tried to struggle, but there wasnt much he could do. he just had to wait this one out.
  23. as yuki charged, pawa jumped up over his head. he then threw his arm down and grabbed yuki by the scruff of his neck. he pulled himself out of the air this way, launching yuki back in the direction he started in.
  24. Okay. thats what pawa wanted. yuki attacked first, and pawa simply had to block. so far, it was mostly very strong punches to the torso. he hopped back because the punches were starting to weaken his blocks and return punches, and this time, he advanced. as yuki threw a punch, pawa used the elasticity in his namekian arm to launch a punch of his own towards yukis side
  25. "dont worry. wasnt planning on it." he got into stance. he tried to think of what he could do. he knew yukis fighting style well, but he didnt know exactly how to counter it.
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