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Everything posted by Kab4002

  1. Number 1 is the hardest in my opinion Then Number 8 after that 3
  2. Luxord, took me around 10 tries to beat him I got stuck at the part where he'll force you into a game where you have to get 4 circles If you lost you would lose A LOT of Time
  3. How would Sora get to Castle Oblivion in KH3?
  4. I might just do Critical Mode Already doing KH2FM on Crit mode
  5. Easiest data battle I did was Roxas Hardest data was Luxord or Demyx But the hardest secret boss in Kh2FM was Lingering Will, still trying to beat him
  6. I can't unlock the secret episode on standard I've done the final episode and got all of the reports
  7. It seems thats gonna take a while I do count Monstro. Ok thanks it seems like Mysterious figure is the hardest
  8. In what order should I verse the Birth by sleep optional bosses From Easiest to Hardest? Also, How do I unlock the battle to defeat No heart and Eraqus's Armor?
  9. Just beaten Roxas, Larxene and Luxord at lv 78 It was challenging. When I verse the Lingering Will I am going to be in trouble :dry:
  10. I got both of them around lv 60 I picked the shield and the struggle weapon that has a star on it
  11. What level should I be to verse Organisation 13 replica version I'm playing on Standard mode
  12. Picking up Kingdom hearts 2.5 in a couple of hours! Excited!

  13. I would be Xemnas. He is the leader of Org XIII and has so much power over the Organisation. :ph34r:
  14. Wonder if you can get kh 2.5 collecters edition to Australia

    1. Kittenz


      Not from shops. BUT I BOUGHT IT ON EEEBAYYY

    2. Yuya Sakaki

      Yuya Sakaki

      ^ How much was it?

    3. Kittenz




      Then the international shipping. My mum is buying it as one of my xmas presents

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  15. Do you think that Square will make a BBS V2? In, my opinion I think they will. If they do I hope that is either the next Kingdom hearts game or the game right after KH3
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