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About Ercgreg

  • Birthday 11/07/1993

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  1. Wow that's awesome I'll be sure to beat the games as soon as possible when it comes in the mail! As for themes on here could you folks explain where to go or even post a link to the thread where they are located ? Thank you guys so much it really means a lot I wasn't expecting more than one reply lol you're all so awesome
  2. Curses! I hope some here will have a download link to it or something then I'm desperate lol
  3. Can anyone please help me out ?! I'm finally gonna get my ps3 repaired after almost a year and I missed out on the 1.5 remix launch because I thought I was just gonna wait to save up for a ps4 and yeah... Changed my mind now .... So anyways I desperately want the dynamic theme that came with the preorder and I've heard you could buy it on the playstation store but I can't find it when looking online ! Am I just searching wrong or is there a way to just download it onto a USB and manually load it onto the ps3? Please any help will be much appreciated
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