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About VexenReplica

  • Birthday 10/10/1995

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  1. You need to head to your card album (left row, looks something like this: カード). You'll see cards that are kinda greyed out. Click on these cards and you'll be given a prompt. Click on the red button beneath the card artwork and you'll get a prompt asking you if it's OK to trade whatever for that card. Click "OK" (or "はい", don't remember if the answer is in Japanese or English ) and the card will be delivered to your present box. The cards come on a weekly basis. This week's cards are Sora and Roxas and Org XIII. You'll get two every week. Which cards are distributed which week is still unknown.
  2. Just to expound upon this a little bit more for the interested: You (or your teammates) can help each other. You can do this in the Team menu (where you fight the raid boss) by clicking on the red bar underneath/next to a person's username. You'll see a summary of their guilt (ie total bonus and how much of the guilt that each heartless has given that person, and if any of the heartless have given the MAX amount of guilt). If the person's guilt is not full and you defeat a heartless in that person's world, they will receive guilt. You'll get that message every time someone (identified by the user's name in the pop-up) beats a guilt heartless in your world. Obviously, if you're not logged in when the person is beating guilt heartless, you'll get the pop-up when you log into the game. However, if you are in your world beating heartless or what have you, there'll be a red exclamation mark appear over the guilt icon (assuming you have the UI on). The exclamation mark tells you that since you last checked, someone has helped you with your guilt, and when you click the icon you'll receive the same pop-up message as you would on the main screen. You can see the total amount of guilt a user has helped you with by navigating to the right tab on the guilt menu. There, you can see what kind of guilt was collected (not sure if it says the heartless name or not and I can't check) and how much (3-7) was collected. In this menu, you can click the red button to go and help them if they don't already have their guilt completed. Obviously, if no one has helped you, this space will be blank. @RikuFangirl - No problem ^^
  3. 6/2 Maintenance Report (aka changes to Chi which you may be interested in) D'aww... aren't they cute! We have a new event (shocking, I know). The Second Anniversary heartless have returned and it’s up to you to defeat them! As a notice, you don’t need to equip the Mog of Glory for the event item to drop. Up for grabs are BbS character cards (with a x2 boost until the 16th of June) and Aristocats armbands and headgear. Using the event draw will give you the chance to get these items. Each draw costs 500 Platinum Mog Points. This is important, folks: there are three different draws. Normally, you’ll need to pay more to get a chance at better skills, but now what SE has done is divided up the draws into themes: Material, Avatar and Card, and Skill. A comprehensive list is here (and an English translation coming to you below) so please make sure to draw from the correct draw. If there is a number in parentheses following the item, that is how many of the item will be given to you. If no number follows the item, either I made a mistake or you will only be getting one of the item. Material Draw (Option #1): Avatar and Card Draw (Option #2) – remember, once the avatar items have been claimed, they will no longer be able to be drawn. Skills Draw (Option #3) No ranking rewards for this event though, so it’s all on you. You’ll want to HP your assists for up to a 4x Platinum Mog Point Boost and HP your attack cards for a sweet 350% increase to your damage. We have Agrabah’s climax and conclusion added in this update! You’re in for a treat with this boss fight. You can watch a playthrough of this storyline thanks to Everglow with translations provided by Kayla Copeland (nichiei.translations@gmail.com). For those of you who want to clear the storyline, here’s a rundown of what you need to do to complete the latest story update: Our Guilt increase has come back down to normal since the last event. Make sure to work hard during the first three days of this event collecting your guilt while under the “+2.” Power users rejoice! (This may/may not include me). Not only is our boosted keyblade Treasure Trove, but also our reprinted Key Arts feature Power cards in the Revival Raise Draw. If you’re not a power user, be sure to take advantage of this and increase the power of your, well, power cards! (I recommend Key Art 24 and 28 both for the art and the guaranteed attached skill) Additionally, the Kupo Nut Exchange has had its cards swapped out. Pick up some pretty cool Key Arts featuring Christmas outfit Roxas (recommended), the cover art to the first volume of the Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix manga (pretty cool), and you can see the rest above! Opening treasure chests from 6/2 until 6/16 nets you an increased Moogle encounter rate, so if you do want any of these cards, now’s the time to try and get them! In our last bit of news, we have new items available for your purchasing in the shop. A snazzy new Kingdom and Premium box bring us Trident/Ariel avatars, a CoM Key Art (which looks great – attached skill is Attack EX) and more manga artwork featuring Sora, Kairi, Riku, Donald, and Goofy (with a gummi ship in the background!) for the assist card. There are some reprint avatars in the shop as well if you want to get them. What do you think of the update? Happy that Agrabah is finished? Impatiently waiting for 3rd anniversary? Let us know~
  4. This is for the browser version of Chi. You complete event missions (mainly beating the event heartless, guilt collection, and heartless subjugation missions) and after completing certain missions, you will be rewarded with this card. You can take a look at all of the missions here (in Japanese). As far as I know, this card art is not available in Unchained Chi (the mobile version of the game).
  5. Alternate account. An account that you do not play on regularly or do not put as much effort into as your main account.
  6. Sometimes I've had issues signing up for yahoo mail. Try again in a few hours and see if that helps any.This seems to work in the few attempts that I've tried and gotten a similar problem to yours. If the problem persists, try changing the your ID. The issue could be that the ID that you want has been taken and you'll need a different ID (you'll get a green message iirc if the name you want is not taken).
  7. Could you please add more words here: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/92486-slow-load-since-new-update/?p=1803146 we don't allow one word posts as they don't contribute to the discussion

  8. http://kingdomhearts.jp/ Anyone can play and sign up. For a guide to help you understand the game (as it is in Japanese), you can check out my guide here. It also provides some links if you need assistance getting your account set up.
  9. UI = User Interface You can toggle this on and off in the lower right-hand corner. You click the button to toggle it on and off.
  10. I'm both sad (extrodinarily so), a little angry, and a bit dejected. I've spent a lot of time in this game, making friends, learning Japanese, having fun, and it's what made me join the forums. I would be lying if I said that Chi hasn't made an impact in my life, simply because it has. Fighting over little things with my party, like who's beating the first 20 RBs a day, made it that much more enjoyable. I've definitely grown as a person, learning about Japanese culture (Mossy season? What's that? ) and developing my own skills in the language. I'm still not an expert, so I'd like to take a moment to thank those members of the KH13 Chi Team who work translating the cutscenes, dialogue, and missions. What you guys do is awesome. ありがとうございます。 I'd also like to have some shoutouts to the Chi members who I'm partied with: - Team CutiePique. Thanks for being the best English team in Vulpeus. I'll see you guys in UX~ - RAKIさん: You may not speak English all that well, and I speak Japanese worse, but thanks for giving me a chance. 本当にありがとう。 - 諏訪さんとharu86さん:For giving me a home and a party to work with, I cannot thank you enough. - きせきさん: Play FFIX. Continue to be a miracle in S-Rank. - Roxasさん: For being my new language buddy, and teaching me how to explain English. I hope to improve enough to be able to speak to you one day in "fluent" Japanese. - Lul: For convincing me to make an alt. Playing on it is such a nice break from my main. Grats on that shiny Zexion SR+ dude. - Kaoru: You were the only person in Team RAKIさん who spoke English. Thank you for all that you helped me with, or else I may not have decided to continue playing. I know you're dead on the forums, but I hope this message gets to you: "Thank you for speaking English." (I also apologize for the multiple times you had to get up at 2AM to get in on 2hr LUT) We still have four months to go (including 3rd anniversary!!!) so the real goodbyes won't be for a while. If anything, our bonds will be strengthened after we part ways, as they often are. Let's celebrate the time we have left~ Use ALL the potions and ethers!!
  11. You may be able to transfer over your character's costume. (This is currently available in the Japanese version of Unchained) Whether or not this will be available in NA/Europe remains to be seen. Anything else will not be able to be transferred.
  12. Had friends who were already in Vulpeus, so I joined that one. Same thing with my alt on Anguis.
  13. Please don't make any double posts like the one that was in this thread http://kh13.com/forum/topic/94531-language-in-the-book-in-khx/?do=findComment&comment=177747. I understand that you've apologized for it, but next time you do make a double post could you please inform us mods? Thanks in advance.

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