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  1. Like
    NeoLimitForm got a reaction from Hoshiko Hikari in What cancelled Kingdom Hearts world would you like to see brought back?   
    Treasure Planet. I feel like Dream Drop Distance wasn't the best time to introduce that world so it's good that they cut it. I'm sure it'd be a great spectacle in Unreal Engine 5 so I'd love to see them implement it in a future installment
  2. Thanks
    NeoLimitForm got a reaction from WakelessDream in New Kingdom Hearts Glasses Available Now for Pre-Order on Square Enix e-Store and AmiAmi, Releases in Late September   
    It's nice to see new lines of KH merch square creates. I always look forward to seeing these in my news feed
  3. Like
    NeoLimitForm got a reaction from Movies798 in What Kingdom Hearts game has the best set of Keyblade?   
    358/2 Days would be my pick. The keyblades from that game have great designs and names. My favorite one being True Light's Flight. And who can forget the iconic Umbrella keyblade. Though I think it would've made more sense to give Roxas/Xion the stick from that timeless scene.
  4. Thanks
  5. Like
    NeoLimitForm reacted to The Yellow Architect in RIPPED all character voice clips from KH:BBS (Aqua, Terra, Ventus, Xehanort, Vanitas, Eraqus, Yensid, Mickey, Terranort, Braig, DiZ)   
    Thank you. I needed Xehanort's voiceclips for a project of my own, and seeing Project Aqua (KH2FM) I went to rip Aqua, then I saw other mods, and realized it can be very useful to many others for mods, or to train an AI model to create custom KH2 cutscenes, so I simply went the extra mile and ripped all main character voice clips.

    As for Aqua favoritism, not really, Xehanort is my waifu, always chilling at waterfalls, windy keyblade graveyards and other noisy areas
    Terra had a horrible voiceactor, Ventus is just childlike (he did a great job for that)
    Eraqus, Aqua, Yensid always stayed in-character regardless of the voiceline (even Xehanort has some lines which don't really sound like him) and are pure 10/10 voice-actors
    Yes, Yensid surprisingly has good voiceacting, which is wasted on that character (visuals + role in the story)

    As for the "unfiltered" voicelines, they basically had some SFX in the background (usually keyblade summon), but I marked them instead of deleting them, because there is software which, if you find the exact SFX, you can extract it from any voiceclip. So theoritically all "BAD quality" voicelines can be salvaged, but idk how to use such software. Only ~15% of voiceclips ended up "BAD quality" so I think it's overkill.
  6. Like
    NeoLimitForm reacted to The Yellow Architect in RIPPED all character voice clips from KH:BBS (Aqua, Terra, Ventus, Xehanort, Vanitas, Eraqus, Yensid, Mickey, Terranort, Braig, DiZ)   
    Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep has been such an influential game, and it's insane that so few assets are extracted from it. Even before AI, there existed advanced audio software which, when fed a music song, it could remove that specific song from any clip it was input'd, and as a result, remove background music in cutscenes. Yet, no one took that undertaking as it would take a full month juggling the tracks and changing their pitch and timing to match the cutscene's.

    Alas, with the AI craze, I found an effective AI tool which did just that - extract vocals from cutscenes. The result? All raw voice clips, as if you extracted them from the source project.
    Labelled Voice Clips Per Character Character Name Total Voice Clips Unfiltered Voice Clips Aqua 786 35 Terra 612 53 Ventus 726 55 Xehanort 317 81 Eraqus 181 24 Vanitas 109 27 Braig 108 8 Mickey 58 4 Yensid 77 2 DiZ 52 6 Terranort 39 2 MergedVanitas 11 0 Link for all the above characters' voice clips: https://www.mediafire.com/file/bpccu89hx3otwmd/bbs.zip/file

    This is essentially gaming history, so I feel the need to share this. If I don't, someone else will spend 2 weeks in the future.
  7. Like
    NeoLimitForm reacted to KH3ReImagined in Kingdom Hearts III Re:Imagined - A Webcomic Series   
    Kingdom Hearts III was infamous for being one of the most long-awaited games of all time. Ever since seeing three armored individuals and the words "Keyblade War" on their screens during Kingdom Hearts II's secret ending in 2005, fans eagerly awaited the third entry. But while multiple side-stories were released in the meantime, it took over 12 years of waiting to obtain the "true" next chapter. And after years of rumors and false-hope, fans could finally experience the Keyblade War and the end of the Xehanort Saga. But was it worth the long wait?

    Well, visually the game was stunning, the gameplay was overall pretty fun (albeit a bit too easy), exploring the Disney worlds truly felt like you were in the movies, there were loads of side-quests, and even the Gummi Ship missions were improved!

    That said, the game's story was a total disaster.
      Kingdom Hearts III's Underwhelming Story
    To preface, the writing throughout KH, Chain of Memories, KH2, 358/2 Days, and Birth By Sleep was hardly perfect. There was plenty of cheesy dialog, some retcons & minor contradictions, and a few plot-points could be confusing if you didn't thoroughly read the games' journals. But those small faults were made-up for by the lively cast of characters and their interesting stories. And if you were a diehard fan of the series, you could still make sense of & appreciate the extensive lore. And while Dream Drop Distance's story was a bit of a mess (thanks to its confusing use of time-travel and dream-worlds), it at least felt like an awkward-but-necessary step towards KH3, where hopefully everything would come together.

    Unfortunately, KH3's writing paled in comparison to the charming stories told in the earlier games. Gone were the days of feeling like an epic Disney/Final Fantasy crossover through the lens of interesting original characters. In fact, Disney worlds and characters were no longer relevant to the plot at all; Sora would visit worlds for no discernable reason and essentially watch the movies' plotlines play-out in front of him. The grand "Keyblade War” amounted to being a small skirmish in the desert. Respect to character backgrounds, motivations, and lore was thrown out the window. Plotholes, inconsistencies, and unnecessary retcons were blatant. And finally, we were left with more cliff-hangers/unresolved plotlines than any of the previous games in the saga! Despite years of cryptic dialog and journal entries, mysterious lingering plotlines, and answers being teased by the director in interviews, it's obvious that nothing about this game's story had been planned in advance. Instead, a plot was haphazardly thrown together and painted with some cheap "fan service" moments. Or to put it another way: What could've been a satisfactory saga-closer à la Avengers: Endgame, instead more so resembled the Game of Thrones finale. But after fantasizing about the game for years, so many "what could've been" ideas & theories still rang in our heads...to the point where we thought "hey, we should rewrite the entire game!"
      What is "Kingdom Hearts III Re:Imagined"?
    Kingdom Hearts III Re:Imagined is a passion-project webcomic created by some fans who grew up with the series. With this webcomic, we aim to overhaul the entire story of Kingdom Hearts III, in order to let other long-time fans experience what we consider to be a more satisfying end to the saga. The Disney worlds will be completely rewritten to be pertinent to the plot, glaring plotholes/unanswered questions will be stamped-out, and the story will feel less convoluted. But making our comic feel like it could actually be a part of the series was our primary goal. So naturally, we can guarantee that there will be: No Disney worlds that weren't already present in KH3 No Marvel/Star Wars characters No edgy/"mature" themes No original/fanfic characters No changes to existing characters' personalities No outlandish retcons (any retcons will be logical/can be backed-up with evidence) No shipping To ensure that our story and script are as respectful/accurate to the series as possible, nearly 30 pages of notes were taken on the previous games. So in order to fully understand our story, you should be very familiar with the following: Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep While the events of Dream Drop Distance will be acknowledged in our story, this really only pertains to the formation of the new Organization XIII & the Guardians of Light (time-travel, dreams, and data will not be relevant). Kingdom Hearts: coded also won't be very relevant, outside of perhaps a passing reference. Regarding Kingdom Hearts: Union X Dark Road & Melody of Memory, plot-points from these games will not be acknowledged whatsoever. We feel that the original 5 games had already set-up great stories/lore to build upon in KH3, and that the retcons introduced in the mobile games were completely unnecessary.
      As mentioned before, this is purely a non-profit passion-project from old fans of the series. We are not professional writers, and to us this is just a fun project that we work on in our down-time. So don't expect frequent updates, this will certainly take a long time for us to finish! But we've had a great time creating it so far, and we're very excited to share our ideas. At the time of this writing, the first 4 chapters are now available. Admittedly, the first three are a little exposition-heavy, as they're acting as the game's intro. But we feel that our Toy Story chapter is a perfect representation of our goals with this webcomic, so we hope you check that out.
      Enjoy! https://www.wattpad.com/story/345859504-kingdom-hearts-iii-reimagined
  8. Like
    NeoLimitForm reacted to Keyblade070 in .   
  9. Like
    NeoLimitForm reacted to Hollow in KH1 Complete Piano Collection   
    A few months ago I recorded and shared a total of 64 piano covers from the original Kingdom Hearts soundtrack (the whole OST minus some repeated themes hehe). A few of the arrangements belong to the Piano Collections books, but most of them are my own arrangements. I'm very passionate about KH and I worked hard on this project, so I'm leaving this here in case any of you may enjoy the final result! 😄

    ▶️ Part 1: 

     ▶️ Part 2:
  10. Thanks
    NeoLimitForm got a reaction from TheKingdomGamer in Compilation of interesting quotes from interviews   
    Woah... this is amazing! Thank you for all the time and effort that you put into making this. It really is a treat to have all of these quotes nicely compiled like this  
  11. Like
    NeoLimitForm reacted to TheKingdomGamer in Compilation of interesting quotes from interviews   
    It's been a few years since I've been active in the forums. This informal 100+ page document contains excerpts from nearly every interview documented in the archive and on KHinsider, as well as a few other sources, from 2002-2022, which I thought might be handy due to the large number of interviews concerning the series over the years. I tried to include only insightful information on series development, marketing, and design philosophy, as well as behind-the-scenes relations with Disney. As most interviews were taken from Japanese publications, credit is due to the translators for KH13 and KHinsider, with only a small fraction of the sources requiring machine translation. It hasn't been proofread so there may be some inconsistencies in the formatting and some grammatical errors I didn't catch.
  12. Like
    NeoLimitForm got a reaction from TrinityXaos# in Yozora's Character   
    From the little we know about Yozora so far I think he's a pretty cool character. I don't really have any strong opinions on him yet because of how he's been presented so far. I feel like Nomura was just channeling his longing to create Versus XIII into him with everything that was surrounding him. If anything I'd want Yozora to be fleshed out as his own unique character and become a prominent character in the story going forward.
  13. Like
    NeoLimitForm got a reaction from Kiari/Niamen/ No.XV in How many Kingdom Hearts figures/statues do you own?   
    I had close to 10 when the whole funko craze was going around. I got a ton of those as gifts but ended up donating them because I was never too big on them. I kept the 2 that I bought and like 6 others that were sentimental and donated the other 10 or so I was gifted. Now I have 5 KH figs overall.
    I prefer scale figs or something a little more akin to their actual design. I don't have many but that's usually my go-to nowadays
  14. Like
    NeoLimitForm got a reaction from Kiari/Niamen/ No.XV in Which Kingdom Hearts trio is your favorite?   
    I knew the Seasalt Trio was going to win by a landslide. The Sora / Kairi / Riku and Aqua / Terra / Ventus trios spend a lot of time in the games apart and chasing after eachother. Not saying I love them any less but I felt like we saw the Seasalt Trio grow the most together. Though I may have a slight bias cause Roxas has always been my fav
    I am surprised to see Hayner / Pence / Olette  have more than Aqua / Terra / Ventus. F in the chat for Mickey / Donald / Goofy
  15. Like
    NeoLimitForm reacted to soraspromise in Kingdom Hearts x SuperGroupies Collaboration Review   
    Sorry for the super late response lol but they rub against the back of my ankle. They're also kinda stiff so it's a little weird to walk down stairs? lol. But yeah the ankle rubbing is the worst part. I was thinking/hoping it was just needing to break them in but it's happened every time.
  16. Like
    NeoLimitForm got a reaction from SorRik in Kingdom Hearts Chain Of Memories PS2/ No Voice Acting   
    Oh if the game was sold at like the standard price with 2 games included they definitely got the better end of the deal. I just assumed that the price was raised to bundle the 2 games together. That changes my perspective on it entirely. I like the fact that you get rewarded going into KH2FM after beating Re:CoM and rewarded after KH2FM back into Re:CoM. On top of the rewards and the good prices, I feel like disks are also a lot nicer looking than the ones we have over here. So they were winning in almost every aspect. I feel like the only thing they got jipped on was the fact that they had to beat KH2FM to get the additional Org Cards whereas we just had to beat the game.
    Since Re:CoM came out after KH2 they added in the additional Organization member cards. These cards were in both the English and JP Re:CoM, but these cards weren't present in the original CoM for either region. The biggest difference was that in JP you had to beat KH2FM first as @DestinysUnion stated and in the US we were able to find the cards after clearing the game. Additionally in the 1.5 ReMix we were able to get 358/2 days cards as well. I feel like it's really cool that they added in that little detail.
    Yeah I was pleasantly surprised when I watched the Re:Coded movie on the 2.5 years back because of how much I actually enjoyed it. I avoided it like the plague prior to that because everywhere I went someone was saying something bad about it. I even enjoyed playing the game itself after I watched the cutscenes. I feel like if Re:CoM was released as a standalone title we would've gotten full voice acting. But considering it was meant to be incentive to buy KH2 again I get why they ended up leaving it out and going the text based route.
  17. Thanks
    NeoLimitForm got a reaction from SorRik in Kingdom Hearts Chain Of Memories PS2/ No Voice Acting   
    Likely for time/budget efficiency if I had to guess. It was around the time that they started pumping out KH games year after year, so I could see them not wanting to invest the extra time in voice acting and making the characters more animated to fit the voices. I felt like the static cutscenes were fitting for the game personally. I felt like it made it more reminiscent of the original It was a good way to get the story of CoM to a wider audience without any decline in quality. It would be interesting to see Re:CoM with full voice acting and other changes, but I don't think that'd ever happen sadly as most people aren't too big on CoM/Re:CoM
  18. Like
    NeoLimitForm reacted to DestinysUnion in Kingdom Hearts Chain Of Memories PS2/ No Voice Acting   
    Like what NeoLimitForm said, I think it was a matter of time and budget. If I remember correctly, Re:COM was made as a bonus game packaged in with KHII Final Mix as extra incentive for players to buy KHII a second time. Developing Re:COM's system from the ground up probably already took a bit of time and resources, which is probably why they prioritized making only the main story cutscenes voiced.
  19. Like
    NeoLimitForm got a reaction from Movies798 in Which Kingdom Hearts game had the best version of the Ultima Weapon?   
    Without a shadow of a doubt the KH3 ultima weapon is the best. It blows all the rest out of the water imo. I don't hate the KH2 ultima but it is a bit weird in some areas. It's a little too bulky in the middle, seems too blunt on the end, and the crowns feel a little cheesy. But all in all I think it's nostalgic and still look at it with fond memories despite its flaws.
  20. Like
    NeoLimitForm reacted to Movies798 in Which Kingdom Hearts game had the best version of the Ultima Weapon?   
    In my opinion, KH3 had the best version the Ultima Weapon. I love the design and color of it. Definitely better than the previous versions. Especially KH2's Ultima Weapon because I never like that design.
  21. Like
    NeoLimitForm reacted to Sportsmaster5 in The Story: Kingdom Hearts 1   
    Big piece I've been working on I thought I'd share!

  22. Like
    NeoLimitForm got a reaction from shadowbreakre in 3D printed Terra's Wooden keyblade   
    This turned out amazing!! Very well done
  23. Like
    NeoLimitForm reacted to shadowbreakre in 3D printed Terra's Wooden keyblade   
    “In your hand take this key. So long as you have the makings, then by simple act of taking, it’s wielder you shall one day be.”

    My 3D printed Wooden keyblade given to Ven by Terra. This was 3dModeled by me and printed with wood filament, sanded, and then stained. No acrylics or spay paints.

  24. Like
    NeoLimitForm got a reaction from Movies798 in Which of Riku's original weapons is your favorite?   
    I agree, Way to the Dawn was without a doubt the most iconic of his weapons and it's sad to see the downgrade in KH3. I'm all for him moving forward and getting a new Keyblade in 3 but I do feel like the Braveheart was a bit of a letdown. It felt like a lot more of a mature Keyblade, but divorced all feeling of fantasy in my opinion. I hope he gets something more memorable in future installments.
  25. Like
    NeoLimitForm reacted to ienzo628 in Which of Riku's original weapons is your favorite?   
    I remember in Days, Riku was able to wield Oblivion keyblade in mission mode.  It would be nice if he could wield Oblivion outside of his fight with Roxas and mission mode.
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