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NeoLimitForm last won the day on October 13 2024

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About NeoLimitForm

  • Birthday December 24

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  1. My pick would be Over the Hedge because that movies very nostalgic to me. Maybe put RJ in the party and make the Keyblade a clever play on the Wagon and the food they collect lol. It sounds terrible but that's the first thing that comes to my mind lmao. The Iron Giant would be cool too, and probably a lot more fitting considering the development of the Giant throughout the movie. I've yet to see The Wild Robot, but it looks great and I'll get on it sooner rather than later But I agree with Ocean's Rage, I personally wouldn't want to see non-disney worlds mixed into the series. Just figured I'd throw what came to my mind into the mix though
  2. I like being competitive in certain games. I think if I grew up with this game it'd be a different story but it's just too late in the game for me to justify dedicating my time and energy for Splatoon (3 specifically). Maybe I'll give it another go when Splatoon 4 comes out and try it on launch (if they make one)
  3. It may not be as casual anymore. I mainly played it on launch and there was a ton of new people. I can only imagine that the people who stuck around are a lot more competitive. I may launch it up sometime to see. I agree the world of Splatoon is very well done. That paired with the community being great always made me want to try it. But when I did I just didn't have the drive or time to be competitive in a game like that. If the players weren't so competitive I definitely would prefer it over Foamstars
  4. I played it at launch and I enjoyed my time with it. Unsure how the game has changed since then so I can't speak on how the game is now. It was some good casual fun with friends Yep. I tried Splatoon 3 a few months after Foamstars and I'd definitely play Foamstars if I had to choose between the 2
  5. I never really factored in the age of Nomura and when he would be retiring when thinking of how long the series would run. I do hope that he wraps up the series before he retires. And if he does hand it off to some form of successor I do hope they honor the series well. In the wrong hands I can see the series falling victim to how modern Disney handles their properties. Excited to see what the future of the series holds. Hopefully we get a proper missing link update and/or release date in the near future
  6. 5 or less tries is insanity unless you've studied and have knowledge about the fight beforehand. 6-10 I can definitely see it being doable for a very small amount of people. 10+ is likely how the average person will end up doing it. It's a bit discouraging losing to him but the more you do it and learn his patterns the easier it'll get. For those who haven't beaten him keep at it and I'm sure you'll get it It's been almost 5 years since Re:Mind came out, it's crazy how fast time flies
  7. That would be interesting if they were to implement anti-piracy measures in that way. From doing a quick search it appears that 358/2 and Re:Coded both had Anti-Piracy Measures that would crash the cart after selecting the difficulty for 358 and starting the tutorial on Re:Coded. There isn't much info on the rest, but from the ones I have seen it appears to either crash the game or display a message. I'm assuming it would result in a crash, but again I'd find it very interesting if they went about it in a sneakier manner like this.
  8. What platform are you playing on? If you're on PC you may be able to use a Save Editor to level them up a bit to an appropriate level and see if the XP flow continues from there. If you're not comfortable with Save Editors or playing on a different platform I'd recommend starting a new game and seeing if you level up on that one. No harm in doing so as you can have many save files. You get your first level up around the time you get your first dream eater. I'd definitely recommend checking the abilities again if you're playing Critical. It may have gotten toggled on by accident. It'd be much lower down on your ability list and would need to say "Off" with a red circle icon next to "EXP Zero". If it has the Orange icon with the sparkles on it it's active and needs to be toggled off. I know you said it's off but it doesn't hurt to double check
  9. Treasure Planet. I feel like Dream Drop Distance wasn't the best time to introduce that world so it's good that they cut it. I'm sure it'd be a great spectacle in Unreal Engine 5 so I'd love to see them implement it in a future installment
  10. It's good to see both of these finally hit streaming. A little surprised that they didn't re-arrange it to put BBS with the Final Mix tracks but at-least it's up to listen to. The Dream Drop Distance album art update is a welcome change. The older album art was great too and a better distinction for physical media. But I feel the Game Cover Art is more fitting for streaming platforms.
  11. Regardless of whether it's a pseudo or actual physical form I believe that just having form would allow Vanitas to exist without losing himself. The shadows in KHUx likely succumb to those conditions because they are literally without form. Because of this I believe he would not fade so long as he maintained that form we know and love. I think Ventus coincidentally achieved his goal to give the Darkness physical form as opposed to him reshaping him by his own will. Vanitas was forcefully extracted from him and Ven had no recollection of the past in that moment. Though the act of him taking the darkness into his own heart and escaping on lifeboat led him to that point so in that regard he did pave the way to him being reshaped into that physical form. I wonder if he'll make an appearance again in the future; Considering that Ven defeated him at the end of BBS and the original Vanitas hasn't shown up in the series since. In KH3 and Dream Drop Distance the Vanitas that we see is pulled from the past to be part of the True Organization XIII. Unlike Roxas his Replica body is temporary and he is returned to his current time after being defeated.
  12. Just made the switch back over to Android otherwise I would've purchased these for sure. The wrist bands represent each character very well imo. I think the treasure chest airpod case is cute too, but I'd get the monogram one if I was to get any.
  13. Chain of Memories would be my pick. Although I did enjoy Re:CoM I think there was something special about CoM in the 2D form that makes the experience that much more enjoyable than playing Re:CoM. Speaking of, there is a YouTube creator named DigiDev who was working on a 2D Kingdom Hearts Unreal Engine fangame. I remember seeing it years ago in the early showcase stage with Castle Oblivion as the testing ground. Admittedly I haven't followed since I first saw it but I just checked up on it and it's still being worked on. Looks like he's taking a unique spin on the KH story in his own way. Here's a link to one of the videos if anyone wants to check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-tb2Y4wtpg
  14. 358/2 Days would be my pick. The keyblades from that game have great designs and names. My favorite one being True Light's Flight. And who can forget the iconic Umbrella keyblade. Though I think it would've made more sense to give Roxas/Xion the stick from that timeless scene.
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