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Kade Tryhard

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    OH MY GOD do I try
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  1. I actually bought mine after my PS2 broke. I got one of the older models that could play PS2 games, so I could keep playing my old games (including KH), but it malfunctioned about a year or so later. So I got a new PS3, and later bought a PS2 so I could keep playing KH. Of course, I got KH 1.5 as soon as it came out, and sold my old copies. I still have KH2, but I'm going to sell that too once KH 2.5 comes out.
  2. So cool! Very much in keeping with the style of the original films, while adding a bit more blockbuster spectacle. And Charlize Theron looks awesome.
  3. The X (or Recusant's Sigil) is used by Xehanort to mark potential vessels. It doesn't necessarily mean they are guaranteed to be vessels. Terra and Ventus were also marked. Now, with we know that Aqua is in the Realm of Darkness and Ventus is still sleeping, and we know what happened to Terra (poor guy), but Wakka's situation is more ambiguous. The fact that he's marked at all is reason enough to be suspicious, but we also have no idea where he is.
  4. Throws Wakka's ball right back. Seriously, though, it's just a fun theory I had. I'm pretty sure it's not going to happen, seeing as he's not an original character. But you gotta admit those X's are conspicuous.
  5. I think he might also try to bring the other Organization members back as well; he said he'd get them back himself while looking at picture of the Door to Darkness. At the end of 3D, he went off on a "secret errand" immediately after aquiring the Keyblade. My guess is he wanted to learn to use the Keyblade in order to unlock the Door to Darkness and rescue (or at least find) the other Organization members. That's not to say that he doesn't have more than one motive, but there it is.
  6. This guy. Conspicuous X's on clothing? Whereabouts unknown for several games? Just sayin'.
  7. A Halloween Town that actually looks like it's molded from plasticine.
  8. What about Lance Bass as Sephiroth? When he says "Descend, Heartless Angel", he mumbles it and it sounds like "Sin Harvest". Even the official strategy guide wrote it that way! He mumbled his lines and his voice didn't fit the character at all.
  9. ...Did you just call a 14 y/o girl hot? Ewwwwww.
  10. If it was ported to a console, it would be for the sake of unity; after the release of KH 2.5, DDD will be the only game not on the PS3. One of the complaints about the series is that it's spread out over too many consoles, and DDD port would finally bring all of the games in one place. However, SE has acknowledged that it's too soon after the games release to remake it, and that they'd rather focus on their current projects. Still they're not ruling it out.
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