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  1. I love Kingdom Hearts because of how you combine the magic of Disney, and the Final Fantasy Universe, as well as staple characters, and make something special. Kingdom Hearts has made learn what it means to love a game series, and being a part of a gigantic community of fans. Kingdom Hearts is just incredible, nough said. Now, when people say they "deserve" it's kind of not right, cause listen I know there's someone out there that love this more than me. Gaming is hobby I'm happy I never gave up.
  2. I really don't want these worlds cause I think that adding live action worlds will make things irritating, for example, look at Port Royal, and you compare the design of the World's characters, to Sora Donald and Goofy. It really did look fake to me. It want strictly Disney. And don't get me started on why Frozen should not be in the game! :angry:
  3. I once saw a vid highlighting 1.5 flaws, and they talked about how the fight cut scenes seemed very blurry, also, the models of Sora and Ansem in KH Final Mix were from DDD, but they apparently didn't put them in 'RE:COM.
  4. Quite possibly, maybe he's starting to get some control of his body back...
  5. I'm very excited because you I never had the opportunity others got which was playing both games, although it was Japanese. Also, it's been a while since I last played both of the original games, so I get relive the games and experience new things, like the Cavern of Remembrance, and fighting Terra.
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