Have you been searching for the LORD? Do you want to find him? You can dismiss any confusion about whether or not you are good enough for him. We are equal in the eyes of the LORD. If you have unhappiness, confusion, sadness, or any negative forces in your life, He can clear them all up. He loves you more than you could ever imagine, and he is your friend. Some people like to blame the tragedies and poverty in our world on him, when in truth no one is to blame other than ourselves.
The LORD gave us dominion over this world, and loves us enough to let us make our own choices. This doesn't mean He is okay with ALL the choices we make, but He won't force us to do anything. Jesus Christ took the punishment for our sins so that we could go free. When He was nailed to that cross with a crown of thorns, He was thinking of YOU. He could have abandoned us, no one forced him to do it, but He loved us enough to take what we ALL deserved. Every human being on this planet has a choice. We can take his gift, or we can reject it, and if you don't make a choice, then you've made a choice.
The gift has been available you're whole life, but one day the LORD's hand will close. If you have any questions about the LORD or Christianity, please do not hesitate to PM me.