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Everything posted by Soravids

  1. Anyone notice that Alice is way cuter in KHUX, than in other KH games?

    1. AngelTheWeirdStranger


      Everyone is cuter in Ux. ^_^

    2. Soravids


      Alice is just a lot prettier in KHUX. Lol.

  2. With all due respect, Koopa, I was just throwing my two cents in. If he didn't want that he shouldn't have made this topic. That is what it's for, you know. He obviously wanted our opinion or he wouldn't have asked.
  3. Bro, you're not even playing FFXV? If you love FF you should at least support it by buying it. It took massive amounts of money to make this game, and SE needs it to sell like hot cakes.
  4. Crisis Core music played on SE's E3 stream! It's a sign!

    1. Soravids


      I really hope you're right about Crisis Core. I WANT to play it on PS4! They gave out the first hint. How was Type-0 HD bad though? I thought it was good.

    2. Soravids


      I actually really loved the main characters and enjoyed the gameplay. Music wasn't bad either. FFX is a good port on PS4 as well. I finally picked that up last night.

    3. Soravids


      That's true it feels more natural, but I think Type-0 made a darn good transition. Other than gameplay how did you view it?

  5. I can't wait for Tales of Berseria and Yooka-Laylee. This way I'll have more time to pay attention to Tales of Berseria so I'm good.
  6. The EA conference was boring. The REAL show starts tomorrow!

  7. It's good, but I liked 8 better.
  8. Leopardos "You can barely stay on your feet! Just give up already!"
  9. So most of us have seen the new Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 trailer, and boy it looks AMAZING! However, at the end we noticed that it told us to look for Kingdom Hearts III announcements this winter. Do you think this mean that Kingdom Hearts III won't be at E3, or are they just saying that the release date will be revealed in winter still leaving a spot for a trailer at E3? Let me know!
  10. That's pretty funny lol! The improvement is amazing!


  13. Lot games out there these days! Seriously, don't miss out on the other 2 XIII's though. That trilogy could perhaps hold the best themes in the series. My fave is The Savior from LR.
  14. XIII-2 and XV both have multiple themes? Which one are you guys referring to?
  15. Which Final Fantasy Battle Theme is your favorite? Feel free to use my new video below if you need to listen to them again!
  16. I'm so happy right now. Thank you for that blessing Jesus.

    1. KingdomHearts3


      Are you happy you are just blessed?

    2. Soravids


      Yep indeed.

    3. KingdomHearts3


      Good. I realize that too every day.

  17. Check out this new trailer for the anime guys! It looks really neat!
  18. The LORD is here and we all know it's true! He'll always pick you up when you're down.

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