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Marco Basile

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Everything posted by Marco Basile

  1. Nah it probably won't happen, they won't add anything to any of the Final Mixes.
  2. I consider it the best because it was my first KH title that made me love the series. Even when I played all the other KH games, and even now I have to say KHII is the best KH to me, I loved everything of it, maybe without any specific reason.
  3. I guess they won't do another Limited Edition. Just the pin.
  4. By judging his face he seems saying "I'm gonna kill you and your whole family"
  5. Something around the plot of the other KH games we haven't seen yet, and (but I'm not sure about it) something about the plot of KHIII.
  6. Eraqus did not "die" completely, his heart is hidden inside Terra. And Xion didn't even "die", she wasn't even a nobody, she just returned where she belongs, Sora.
  7. No one will "die" in Kingdom Hearts. Death as we know it doesn't exist in KH universe.
  8. Nah, Nomura made us understand there will be no more Final Mixes, maybe a DLC... But I hope not...
  9. Aqua, if you can't find her you can't find Ventus. About saving Terra, I guess it will be the last thing to do 'cause no one knows how to save him...
  10. Yeah I know, but I was imagining him making fun of the enemies or sort of like "Ehy Xenny, calm your s**t man"
  11. I guess it will be released within the end of December 2015 or probably on March-April-May 2016. I just hope it will be released worldwide the same day.
  12. I don't know why, but I think Deadpool as a summonable character would be amazing.
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