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Marco Basile

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Everything posted by Marco Basile

  1. First - Flashback of the conversation between Young Xehanort and Young Eraqus (probably the same of the Teaser Trailer but a bit longer)Second - OpeningThird - Tutorial where you play as Kairi and AxelFourth - I don't know
  2. It wouldn't make any sense a "reality" film on a game who has got its own "reality"
  3. You're welcome! If you have any questions/problem to solve you can ask me whenever you want! I'll do my best to help you
  4. Yeah, forgot to mention it, sorry :sad: It's only in the final mix version. Anyway, you shouldn't have any difficulties by following my "guide"
  5. Yeah probably By the way, do you think he will return together with Cloud? I hope so! Cloud vs Sephiroth fight in both KH1 and KH2 is amazing!
  6. Yup Hope he'll return in KHIII just to kick his ass one more time :cool:
  7. It's because of the wing...okay, my bad...you're right
  8. Ahahaha Anyway, that Sasuke makes me thinking of Sephiroth..
  9. Like what they did back in 2002 with KH Final Mix (in the main menu you could see a trailer of FFX-2)
  10. Probably they will say "Coming out 2015" and will show a brief gameplay trailer with some new features, and, if we're VERY lucky, we might see a new trailer with gameplay and a bit of story... I hope so! :smile: They won't probably say the release date for FFXV (Probably they will say Coming 2015)... I hope we'll see a new trailer with some story and a bit a gameplay (but I find it very hard to happen ... :sad: )
  11. Utada must be the one who sings songs for Kingdom Hearts. I hope she'll write a new amazing song for KHIII!
  12. I guess Kairi will remember some events from CoM. They obviously will find out everything about the whole situation, sooner or later...
  13. 5) Emperor's New Groove 4) Monster Inc. 3) Original Radiant Garden 2) Land of Dragons (Mulan 2 version) 1) Toy Story
  14. Sora himself will definitely put an end to Xehanort, in my opinion. But who knows, I'm expecting a huge plot twist.
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