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Everything posted by 光☆・~*

  1. Disappeared from the face of the website. In that time, I've managed to acquire a transfer student from Japan. Say hello to Hirona~

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 光☆・~*
    3. Akatsuki


      That ...


      is friggin awesome xD


      Welcome back :P

    4. 光☆・~*


      I know, I'm psyched(x

      She's helping with my English xD

      Thanks ;P

  2. Hey, I see you've been around for a while ^^ Do you read manga/watch anime?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 光☆・~*


      And thanks for the FR!

    3. Prettyinpunk28


      Some anime I like are Fairy Tail, Sword Art Online, and Blue Exorcist, and some mangas I like are Black Butler, Death Note, and I just started Durarara! and I love it!

    4. 光☆・~*


      Yes! A Fairy Tail fan(: Blue Exorcist is different from the manga, so I'm mixed(:

      Black Butler, waiting for update >< and I've read Durarara vol 1 & 2, you recommend me continuing it?(;

  3. I guess I should try to figure out ways to customize my profile to attract others and come off cool...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Clouded Sun

      Clouded Sun

      By the way, if you really want to customize it, I suggest doing it in a day. I have my profile making people think I'm a lunatic.

      And Draco's right. Some people have awesome profiles, but sometimes the most simple people are the easiest to befriend.

    3. 光☆・~*


      @Ninkoro: *Thumbs up* Thanks! I think you're cool too!

      @Dracozombie: The simple people are the best people then *highfives* Lol, I guess I'll make a statement and stand out then

      @Shintora: Awww o>.<o You guys are great! ^^ And you're not a lunatic

      *Edit: Just looked at your profile, and idk...that "MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA" though...(x

      Oh really? Okay, I like friending people, I'll continue to be simple ^^

    4. Clouded Sun

      Clouded Sun


      So you've realized.

  4. A game in which you say a KH related term(s) whose first letter is the last letter of the previous post Example <Person 1> Kingdom Hearts <Person 2> Sora <Person 3> Agrabah (People, Worlds, Terms, Items, anything related to Kingdom Hearts will do) --START-- Atlantica
  5. Greetings Pierre! If you love KH, you'll love kh13.com(: Have a kingdom key too? Nice! Hope to see you around the site
  6. Greetings, I'm sure you'll have a great time(: Hope to see you around!
  7. Hey! Thanks for the friend request(:

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Lilac1100


      -gasp- work to make money what time of world do you live in?

    3. 光☆・~*


      Oh, sorry *closes book* I was still in the 2000s along with my book(x

    4. Lilac1100
  8. Welcome to the site! I have the same backstory(x So hope to see you around!
  9. English. And I wonder if I'd be wrong in assuming you think so too(x English-sparkle sparkle Japanese-pika pika
  10. As long as I got the scholarship for it and the weather is nice, I'm all for it
  11. Nice to meet you Daniel! Norway huh? AND tattoo planning! Cool, hope you find your inspiration and have a fun time(:
  12. Hey, welcome fellow new person! ^^ Positive people? I think I can be that...except when thinking of Roxas' farewell *sob* But that's Roxas, and you're Sora, so nice to meet you! Hope to see you around!
  13. Yum muffins! And ooh, cupcakes? Wonderful, you're my best friend already xDThanks! I'll consider that offer(:
  14. Some of the merchandise looks amazing ><But I'm broke. Got to save up my money for the actual games, no?(x
  15. Thanks for the friend request! A kitty fan I see?(:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Yuya Sakaki

      Yuya Sakaki

      No, unfortunately she doesn't xD

    3. Akatsuki


      No I don't!! Lol my Mum is allergic and she'd never allow cat hair anywhere near her! But I still love them and one day I will have a little black cat named Yui and a white one named Yuki xD

    4. 光☆・~*


      xD Sorry, that's sad to hear, but yes! I believe you shall!(;

      Lol, and you even have the colors and names picked out, nice xD

  16. Thanks for the welcome! And a color blue fan, nice!(:

  17. Hey, thanks for the welcome! A fan of Soul Eater? What'd you think of the ending? ._.

    1. Weedanort


      Np :)


      The ending was...



    2. 光☆・~*




      I literally checked every website to confirm that that was really that last chapter.

      My friend's content, he said "Ah well. At least Stein and Marie are together"

  18. Hey, thanks for the welcome!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 光☆・~*


      Scotland's beautiful, wish I could visit it soon

      Anyway, thanks again!

    3. AuraAce


      No problem, I'm always available in chat if you want to speak to me in future ^_^

    4. 光☆・~*


      Thanks for the offer!(:

  19. Thanks for the welcome(: And I see you're a fan of Yu-Gi-Oh(;

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. 光☆・~*


      Are you into the TCG too?

    3. Yuya Sakaki

      Yuya Sakaki

      Of course! You too?

    4. 光☆・~*


      It seems cool, but I only have the old-school ones(x My bro is the one that's into the technicalities, and my cousins go to tournaments

  20. Hey, thanks for the welcome ^^

    1. OathOblivio


      Your welcome. I enjoy greeting new members to the site!

    2. 光☆・~*


      It was a very formal greeting too(:

      *bows* 光☆・~* at your service

  21. Thanks for the welcomes, I feel content already, thanks! ^^ Hope to see all of you around the site(:
  22. Off to sleep, 1st day was great! ^^

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ruby Rose

      Ruby Rose

      You're welcome

    3. AuraAce


      Hope you enjoy the rest of your time here! Good night even though I'm late but that doesn't matter because this comment is too long. :D

    4. 光☆・~*


      Hey, thanks for that good night/welcome(x

      Yup, beautiful long comment erases all the bad things(;

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