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About DarkniteX

  • Birthday 08/09/1986

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  1. Jecht in the Hercules Colisseum would be a great spectacle. I can see him gloating about being the best in the KH universe in front of his fans with his amusing ego. Would LOVE to see Jecht and Hercules going hand to hand in a match and him teasing poor Sora. Of course, a battle againts him is a must in this case. I can see it happen, and it would be truly enjoyable.
  2. Nomura is the director of all the kh games. In 358/2 days he had a co-director working with him, in the same vein of Birt By Sleep which was co-directed by Tai Yasue. This is most likely becuase he cant be everywhere, at that time he was directing 3 games almost at the same time. No, Nomura didnt direct Dirge of Cerberus at all. He only did the character designs. I thougth that Advent children was okay, it is mostly a fanservice film and it delivers in that way. :smile:
  3. The Kingdom Hearts Series (all of it, except coded :tongue: ) Metal Gear Series (every single one, except that terrible ending; TPP :sad: ) Shadow Of the Colossus Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Final Fantasy X Jak 3 Naruto Storm series (for someone who loves the anime, the games are a firetrucking masterpiece) Star Wars Battlefront 2 Undertale (I dont think that its "the best game ever", but it triumphs in everything it proposes) Super Mario 64 Zelda The Minish Cap Resistance Fall of Man Pokemon Emerald I think these are the ones who got into my heart :wub: . The first five are undisputable, but the others are not in any particular order.
  4. I always thougth that the Bizarre Room of Wonderland was a very original concept which merged perfectly with the worlds essence...... I would say that Monstro was the worst, the design was too repetitive, the story with Riku could be better and repeating the same boss was annoying.
  5. I think that 20 worlds may be too much. They will do more or less the same than KH2, you should think that the worlds are going to be huge in the new generation, and the possibility of Flowmotion only makes it more difficult. The only Disney worlds that i want to see returning are Halloween town (love the aesthetic) and Olympus Coliseum ( Because of all the things that can be added yet and because James Woods)
  6. It would be nice to see new characters. I know that is the final showdown between all the characters introduced before, but it would be a little boring if they were all the same. I think that they should create someone new, a secondary character like the gang of TT to help the heroes. I also expect to see someone new in the 13 Darknesses, They can introduce easily four new characters in the New Org, if we count surprise memebers like Terra, Vanitas or Riku Replica.
  7. I always wanted to play the Final Mix versions of each game, and now with my PS2 drowned , I can have the complete versions of the best games ever in HD with remastered soundtrack in my PS3. Simply amazing for a fan like me. I loved every added element in KHFM, its truly satisfying to be able to enjoy new features in your favourite games. I always wanted to figth the secret bosses of the saga (Xemnas and Terra) and the special heartless were fun. Also, I had never played RECOM and I enjoyed it a lot, I liked the change in the combat system and the increased difficulty,especially in the Vexen and Axel figths. I also think that th 3D model did justice to Vexen and Larxene specially. They were truly expressive. I cant wait to have the second remaster, being able to figth the entire Organization in their strongest form is priceless. A master touch by Nomura, indeed. :cool: Also, the puzzles enemies, the two Armors of BBS and the secret Aqua ending are going to be amazing. I have only love for the Final Mix versions :biggrin:
  8. Those reasons to say that 2.5 remix is ruined,are kinda stupid. I was thinking about something horribly wrong, not some ,minor differences about voice changes or loading times. It makes you seem like a hater, when even IGN hasnt said anything bad about it. The reviews are even higher that I expected, Im pretty sure that both games are still great and even better with the graphic/ost improvements.
  9. I prefer to see Yoko creating new music or remixing some of the old ones. One of the most important features of the HD remixes was the reorchestrated music which had some additions over the originals. Why would they repeat the same themes of old games in the greates Kingdom Hearts ever seen?. Yoko has gained my absolute trust with this, and by the way, she has remixed old themes creating almost new ones, like L´oscuritta dell ignoto or Dismiss, which are almost better thann the originals .
  10. New versions all the way, I was truly worried about how they were going to remake The 13 Struggle, it was one of the most difficult to recreate in live orchestra, in my opinion. Now after hearing it in Youtube, I have no doubt that all the songs that I havent listen to are going to be great. It was fantastic, I also recomend to search the new version of Dismiss, It is gorgeous.
  11. I think that they were truly happy of being humans again, it was all what they wanted when they were Org members and the only reason that moved them. Thanks to Axel, Ienzo was now complete, and Lea was not going to hurt them in any way. With that acknowledged, it was pointless to figth, they had to know what was happening. Also, Ienzo only had two sentences in that game. In KH3 he will appear more for sure, but maybe they talked about it offscreen. Lea was very familiar to them so it was solved in one way or another.
  12. I have always thought that both the heartless and the nobody had different traits from their original incarnations. Ansem would have inherited Xehanort´s interest in science and darkness and Xemnas would have inherited part of Terra´s will, at least unconsciously. I the end, both followed the path that Apprendice Xehanort chose and ended helping their other selfs. That makes Xemnas a more tragic character in my opinion.
  13. Sora as the main character, and Riku, Kairi, Lea or Mickey being playable at certain points (Lea vs Isa and stuff).
  14. Im playing KHFM rigth now, I want to complete it before 2.5 REMIX. Im gonna land in Hollow Bastion, so im going to revive some of the most memorable moments of the franchise.
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