Nothing about this is confirmed but i just saw game called "no man's sky" (getting it) but does anyone else think it would be cool to fly to other planets with 3d navigation. Everytime you would see a disney world it would stop you before you went into the world and say would you like to land or disembark. You would not be able to explore anywhere and everywhere yet because there will be to strong heartless or jems you need to collect throughout the game like in "KH1", so you will need to beat more of the game to purchase upgrades for your ship or beat a certin world for a gummi gem in your gummi ship exploration distance to further advance to get to other worlds.
so when flying out in space Donald or Goofy will say we better turn around in'till we find other space gummis.
Also when you find a disney world you can teleport to it anytime you so choose to last past games.