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Everything posted by TB298

  1. Cool theory, I also thought it would be like in re coded were they level up keyblades
  2. Yusei, have this sea salt ice cream sandwich instead
  3. I was almost expecting that to happen
  4. Look, I gave you a coupon for free sandwiches, since we live in randomnia
  5. Oh wait... (looks at ticket) omg, I forgot that were in randomnia Im sorry, here have a free coupon v for sandwiches at my shop
  6. Your gift is .... A free ticket to randomnia
  7. Im up, I was just making more sea salt ice cream sandwiches, where is aros?
  8. Its your birthday! You deserve it!
  9. idk if you can get papou fruits in twilight town, I do have sea salt ice cream as a condiment
  10. TB Sandwiches, now opening in twlight town!
  11. Im now officialy kh13 rookie & Sandwich maker
  12. I prepose a toast, to the dude and hero of Randomness: Aros! :D
  13. I should make that l, a never ending sandwich. LOL JK
  14. (Shoots confetti in the air) I GOT SANDWICHES
  16. 1203, we can, and we probably Will make it at this rate
  17. 1201 if were crazy and random enough, we can make it to over 9000!
  18. 1191 lets sing happy birthday (even though it's in 3.hours) Happy birthday, to you Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to Aros Happy birthday to you!
  19. ,1185 its aros' birthday! Or at least I think it is
  20. 1181 I was just kidding , but if you DO get drunk (because of captain weed sparrows rum, ill take care of you )
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