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Everything posted by TB298

  1. does the difficulty trophies stack in kingdom hearts 2 fm?

  2. don't you hate it when a livestream buffers a lot

  3. changed my profile pic for the first time, I think it looks nice!

  4. I just realized how small roxas' bedroom is :/

  5. I think this is a glitch in the game because note how scatt and red are spaced. Idk, but I hope it is fixed
  6. I think it's easier than 1.5, but that doesnt mean it's easy. There are some trophies like the critical mode trophy that will take.some.time to complete
  7. finally been able to watch a stream of 2.5. Port royals music sounds so good now

  8. That moment when you realize that you refreshed the page on Kh13 over 50 times today

    1. Aros


      refresh you mean press F5? usual 0 but today i used 2 or 3 time LOL i press "forum" for an update xD if this count like a refresh then me minimum 20 i think xD

    2. TB298


      Lol I don't really know how much but I do know ive been on kh13 for at least 3 hours and been refreshing a lot

    3. Aros


      well it's normal... probably xD for example i play KH X, after a while stop go to kh13 (page always open) and see if there's something new to comment about and then return on X, do to eat and at my return refresh... so is a continue circle LOL or the eighth deadly sins: ehm... refreshly? o_O

    4. Show next comments  87 more
  9. (I watched the first 30 mins of 2.5) that re-orchestrated version of twilight town is AMAZING :D

    1. TB298
    2. TB298


      Well dang hopefully within the next day there's another walkthrough video

    3. Tails


      Yeah, I guess they didn't want videos for it to go up yet :/

    4. Show next comments  87 more
  10. Oh yeah. No difficulty trophies for bbsfm (except for critical) made things much easier (or less time consuming)
  11. I kinda figured they were going to have a critical mode trophy but I was going to play on critical anyway. Nice list though! Big improvement over Kingdom Hearts 1.5's trophies IMO
  12. I actually want this weekend to be over so kingdom hearts 2.5 can come out even though i'm not getting the japanese version :/

  13. Oblivion, Ultima Weapon, and decesive Pumpkin (the one from Halloween town)
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