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Everything posted by TB298

  1. 540 I dont even think thats the right number anywho, did u know that I took a nap, and I woke up with 38 notification on this site
  2. Axel is so.flattered that Im using him.for the letter a
  3. Since you said you can include Kingdom Hearts 1.5, my #1 is 1.5 (until 2.5 comes out )
  4. 536 aros you are my inspiration. Inspiration to continue platinuming 1.5
  5. 519 he left because we were talking about how pizza rolls makes sora gassy
  6. Zebras will be my animal.of choice for this battle!
  7. Stop this foreign language I don't understand it
  8. 512 aros and sei. Would you like to see me unboxing the 2.5 CE?
  9. 505 press one button when I should've press the other button. That happens WAY too often
  10. 500 I know, but I make careless mistakes alot also ur welcome
  11. 498 the hardest minigame for me is the veggie mini game (I STILL dont have the trophy for that )
  12. 495 the bee minigame was easy for me, maybe its because I used a video guide to help me
  13. Im keeping my old copy because its the one with the artbook and its nice. If you have the 1.5 version with the artbook and.you don't want another copy of 1.5, somehow find a way to sell it WITHOUT the artbook, and keep the copy that comes with the CE.
  14. who watched the diancie pokemon movie?

  15. I.know this is late, but welcome! message me or add me as a friend if you like!
  16. How I got into the KH series It was either May 2006 or May 2007 (cant remember) and I went to my cousins house. He had a PS2 and when I got bored from playing with outside with my other cousin, I asked him if I can play it and he said yes. I played a few games but the one I remember playing the most was Kingdom Hearts 2. I remember going on my cousins save file (he already beaten the game) and exploring the worlds and beating heartlesses. I decided the next day to make my own save file and try to beat the game myself. I was only on Day 2 on roxas when I had to go home (I was staying over there for vacation) Few months later.for.christmas I got a PS2 with Kingdom Hearts 2 and a.couple of.other games and I beated the game 2 months later. And ive been a big kh fan ever since!
  17. updated my about me. BTW good afternoon everybody! (if its the afternoon in your time zone) :)

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