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Everything posted by TB298

  1. 1179 uh oh, maybe weed gave her sone rum, shes drunk
  2. 1125, aros. and sei, it's.ok, its not your fault. At least I can attend this without being on a train or a ship
  3. ,1124, yes im leaving sei, I got class, but its fridat, so Im going to be on here during the weekend
  4. 1108 got.to.go guys, make.me.proud, get me alot of notifications for me!
  5. 1096 it wouldn't have hapoened without sora (hugs everyone)
  6. 1086 your welcome aros (high fives) we love you too sora for making this.topic
  7. 1075 am I the only here who cares that sora is back? Welcome back!
  8. 1068 that was.... random Anyway, ill pretend I didnt see.that
  9. 1061uhhh, I forgot the rest of the lyrics its been a while since I listened to that song
  10. 1058 let the storm rage on... the randomness have never bothered me anyway!
  11. 1050 I used.to hate.tornadoes, but im better,.and today is.cold where.I.live
  12. 1047 good job guys, 73 notifications, anywho I like thunderstorms.too
  13. 976 oh my gosh, how silly of me. Here grab my hand
  14. 974 if that's the case, ill be ur temporary captain arghhhh
  15. 971 if I were captain, you guys wouldnt be.drunk. where is weed?
  16. 962 I tried to help you aros, so when you drowned, I made sure you made it back on the ship
  17. 946 pulls rope for aros (phew your heavy ) captain help!
  18. 944 *smacks joint.out of weeds hand* THERES NO TIME.FOR THAT AROS.IS.IN TROUBLE
  19. 942 okay.. what can I do captain weed sparrow... OH NO! AROS! GRAB MY HAND!
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