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Everything posted by TB298

  1. Yeah, I remember mashing the triangle button during that phase of the fight. Ahh memories
  2. 1434 its okay aros, youre not bad, just random thats all
  3. Too many hms? Lol Too much water? Well its hoenn of.course. I think the game should've gotten at least a 8, but thats my opinion
  4. 1428 you guys went to 53 notifications to 7, should I be worried? JK Hey how's it goin sora?
  5. 1414 weeds ship is stuck in the frozen water! oh well
  6. TB298, random knight at your service!
  7. 1395 Okay, just making sure where are you going with sei
  8. 1392 maybe he wants to kidnap you because he's jealous that you get sandwiches too
  9. Really Mr. Krabs? yeah, he has his own house, a job, and takes boating (aka driving) school. yeah he's a kid... (sarcasm)
  10. good thing I preordered “Kingdom Hearts tweeted 25 CE left.. AAANNDD Its gone
  11. Yusei fudo! would you rather fight sora or riku
  12. Venus is a person (I dont know what else to put for V But im the random knight right? )
  13. Oh don't cry sei, you can still have sandwiches, just ask for them, dont steal them
  14. Lock my cabinet, I will! Sei must ask for these sandwiches
  15. Just about have enough sandwiches for all you guys, I just gotta make it
  16. Going out for sandwiches! Aros, I thought we were supposed to be random?
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