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About Camellia

  • Birthday 02/05/1997

Other Information

  • Member Title
    Flower Girl
  • Gender
  1. Sorry for causing a disturbance. I'll handle this elsewhere.
  2. Um... Neko, Sikota wants to talk to you. Somehow.
  3. That works too ^_^' Have fun, Silver. I'm jealous. I've been to Disney once when I was little an want to go again so bad!
  4. That sounds awesome, Neko! So are you one of those who thinks art is an instantaneous experience that only lasts a moment? What was the quote... "True art is an explosion"?
  5. Interesting... I get the feeling you like breaking things? Especially explosives?
  6. I'm part of the small group of people who knows where she lives OwO Though not as much anymore cuz she moved
  7. Wow... Good luck and hang in there, kay? I know what it's like to have a useless older sibling.
  8. I've had my license for 3 months you know! It's just been a while so I don't remember much from back when I was first learning.
  9. Wait, so are you getting it, or taking your knowledge test or whatever it's called?
  10. Camellia

    Deja Vu

    Ella started to panic. She was afraid. Very afraid. A candle was pretty and hypnotic, but a huge fire like this caused her to remover things she didn't want to remember. Then it happened. Ella shushed everyone. She listened carefully. "Everybody hide!" She whispered, blowing out the candle and darting into bed.
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