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Everything posted by Ninkoro

  1. Hell. Pure, consintrated hell. Fighting lingering sentiment? Easy. Unknown? Doable. The two armours? Challenging but accomplishable. Stupid little minigame that has absoulutly nothing to do with the main gameplay? Firetruckin impossible.
  2. Damn good job! Congratz! Not even limit form, you literally owned him with blocks and reprisals. Thats some great timing.
  3. On one hand I think the trio is meant to always fight together, but on the other hand I really enjoyed the Sora + world character fights because it felt sorta like a bonding moment and made the trips to 'filler' disney worlds feel more worth it and fleshed out the main character more. I also enjoyed the sora-only fights because it really showed that Soras growing up and he's strong enough to handle things by himself if the situation calls for it, rather than back in kh1 where he would never have made it withought his pals. So im going to have to disagree with you, respectfully ofcourse. I enjoyed the way Kh2 did things regarding this and i hope Kh3 does things the same.
  4. Another option; yeah, once, but it sucked. You can barely see a thing. I only knew it was one because they told me so on the news.
  5. I did it before on the ps2, but rather than being a challenge it was kinda a let down. Changing your equipment and seeing your keyblade evolve is part of the fun of KH, and it really just took the fun out of that aspect.
  6. Only in Kh1, since you pretty much had to.
  7. This whole japan first is bs for such a small game. I'm downloading it through 3rd party means when japan gets it. Stop the passive agressive stuff square, ww2 was forever ago!
  8. Nah it's not rude, and i'm starting to see that people find my comment offensive. Sorry everyone, I wasn't trying to be mean, I just found it strange is all.Again sorry, you're all wonderful people lol.
  9. Only if I want to die. I live in the detroit area and i'm white.
  10. Well good thing you aren't lol.Anyways, it's common sense that anime and csrtoons are completely different mediums. Anime has a wide variety of genres and age targets while cartoons are usually comedy and either for kids or dirty comedy for adults.As far as watching it subbed goes, most anime watchers only prefer subbed when the english dubbers either censor it or have terribly annoying voices. Keyword most.Talk shows are vastly different, as they're all pretty much the same. So as to why you'd want to watch foregin talk shows of all things....
  11. I think thats a little different...there are plenty of english (american/euro) talkshows, but you can't say the same for anime.Unless you're implying most anime watchers hate the west and love the east....
  12. I don't want a paypal, so I am limited to using store bought gift cards for amazon.
  13. I think a better question is...why are you watching Korean talk shows when you can't even speak it? Or are you just an english speaker living there?
  14. I'm glad, FFVII deserves a better battle system then its original menu based one.
  15. Guys its always released in Japan first because we all know translation will take a awhile............oh wait....
  16. I mean as a college student I will never not work, but even so I still consider work and no school a vacation lol. Got til september 9th.
  17. I had something really good typed, but then my phone reloaded the webpage.......so.... I don't think people can 'become' creatures of light, because Ven. The true KH should be able to make light creatures since eraqus, a lowly human(in comparison to KH) can. The third part of a somebody, heart body *soul*, the breath of life or will, should be another enemy like lingering will. Maybe all the old warriors from the great keyblade war could become these, there will is so strong that it never left even though their hearts did and their bodys rotted.
  18. Same, I watched the movie because of the announcement. It was amazing, the main thing any sequel could add would be fleshing out the other characters since BH6 was mostly about Hiro, Tadashi, and Baymax.
  19. But the archivers just post the tracks, right? Do we actually have a "kh music" station? Anyways, I agree with final fantasy tracks since they also have alot of professional orchistrated music. Really all im saying is if the station starts playing some 8 bit or just general VG music that the only thing related to KH is that its "in a vidya game", then id stop listening lol.
  20. No I totally agree, but if it was a "kh13" station I would assume itd be KH-ish music, not "video game" music.
  21. If it was more of a KH-type music station with lots of modern epic orchistrated stuff made for games or movies, I'd be into it. But as far just "video game music" is concerned...I don't know. I just feel like KH music transcends VG music, yaknow? I know friends who don't play KH but who will agree that the musicians really outdo themselves with its soundtrack.
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