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Everything posted by Ninkoro

  1. Ok, once the servers come back online ill start a party for Vulpeus. People from other unions can try searching it, but if it doesn't come up then they really are union locked, so start a kh13 party for that union! Myoru is my game name. Ok, i made the party. If you're on vulpeus, just go into setings, tap the button with the two friends, hit the middle button, then scroll down for "Myoru KH13"
  2. Kh13 should have a side widget that gives you the status of khux servers, whether its online or down...

    1. Jake


      I could maybe suggest this to Daniel along with some other suggestions we have. We will see!

    2. Ninkoro


      That'd be sweet, thanks!

  3. I think a big gap, maybe a few months. Sora will be wandering, trying to "find himself", kairi will be training, and others will be doing their thing while looking for sora. The events of kh3 start with donald and goofy finally finding sora, and them teaming up to fight a SOD pre-fight. Then the two tell sora whats up, and ask if he's ready. Of course our hero is, and they head of on their mission to find the key to awaken people.
  4. Kh is way more story driven then game driven, so im fine with how it is now, progressing as the story progresses. I always felt like it helped those people who play on easy and only go through the main story because they want to experience the story. Thats not me personally, Critical is the lowest difficulty id pick Lol, but I know people like that. Plus Lvl 1 runs...
  5. Im on mission 72, and i love it! I use an ipod 6. It'll work.
  6. For khux, are moogle medals only used to sell for munny? They give barely any exp...

    1. Veemon


      And... You're rich! *doo do do dooo* 50,000 munny!

    2. Ninkoro


      Lol more like 150,000 munny

    3. Veemon


      Eventually prices start ramping up though, so it's always important to save up. If you want to, you CAN save one moogle medal just for keeps, but I assume that they're all only used for selling. :)

      "An investment in moogles pays best Kupo!"

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  7. Thats what im saying. I cant think of one world in the entire kh universe that had 0 npc's. Friendship is a requirement in kh.
  8. Can not speak japanese, but can phonetically read the simple stuff. Says something about files and your device, im guessing you either dont have enough storage space, or it encountered an error when downloading. Try again, and make sure you have adleast 800mb free
  9. despite the constant server errors, yes it is. Thank Kingdom Hearts.
  10. Well i mean crit mode on 3D + the small screen was hell in fast pased battles, you literally stood no chance. But since we're getting the amazing kh2 distant camera once again, difficulty will actually be fun rather than infuriating. Bring on the keymaster mode!
  11. i mean there's always a way to bypass it, but in regards to ios unless your jailbroken like i am it's hard to find work arounds due to apples...well quite frankley its jail.
  12. Maybe theyre going to force on location settings, and kick everyone who isnt in japan...
  13. Square enix just doesn't understand that if they wont treat all countries equally, we'll make them. Their patriotic racism inferiorates me.
  14. Personally i felt the surreal and dream-like fantasia universe fit perfectly as a sleeping world. I honestly don't see how they could add npc's considering mickey is grown up and mysterious tower has drifted to twilight town.
  15. Really? I have to be the one to say it? Seriously, this wasn't your first example? Fine........ Kingdom firetrukin Hearts
  16. Kingdom Hearts => Ripoff of Mario 64.........Oh wait No but seriously, it just sounds like you've had unfortunate conversations with the select few Nintendorks, or have been reading reviews on gameinformer. Unless those are your friends saying that.....in which case i'd get new friends.
  17. I just spent 4 hours playing Unchained X in a language I don't understand, and it's about 3am now. Can't wait til it releases in English, I'll literally have no life.

  18. As soon as we get the ios instructable in the news on this site, ill download it on my ipod.
  19. 18yo college student and my only "phone" is my new ipod touch 6. It has a texting app with a phone number and I dont mind needing wifi, plus its free, which is a 100% boost when you're going to college and tight on cash as it is.
  20. 6 pointed star could be a flower for Marluxia. Yes? ...No? But I want to see Marly's somebody come back...
  21. No way, seriously? I need some proof that people have actually bought it at that insane price before. Makes me wish i bought two when it was 20$ on amazon instead of just one.
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