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Everything posted by Ninkoro

  1. Why, why do I love Kingdom hearts so much...... WHY MUST I GET THIS EVEN THOUGH I HAVE 1.5 AND ALREADY PRE-ORDERED 2.5???
  2. When something becomes a job it naturally becomes dull and you learn to hate it. I'd rather work with video games as a side job or in my free time so that I can preserve the good feelings I have towards them.
  3. first ever virtual reality game with morpheus is being released side-by-side with it. All them xbox one fanboys will be jealous.
  4. Since I still own and often play my PS2, I don't buy any HD collections for my PS3. For example, I just beat FFX and FFX-2 last year, just before the HD collections came out. So I really have no intention of playing a game that has it's story still fresh in my mind. But, I always buy everything KH that comes out in North America. Manga, strategy guides, trinkets, and of course games. Plus final mix in america?? It's like a brand new game.
  5. Staff, If you are one with yourself then there really are no difficult obstacles in life
  6. Anyone know how to take one in this game?
  7. I was starting to think I was alone lol glad there are others who have had the same experience I'm going through. I definitely understand now more than ever the amount of strategy KH1 has over the newer flashier games. Learning how to control clunky sora at the beginning takes a lot of dexterity. I'll be playing 2.5 on critical and probably make a self rule of "not using triangle unless necessary to advance" rule and hope that makes me pay as much attention to combat as KH1 is.
  8. Ok honey that's wonderful, but look at the header this is the 1.5 fourm section. That's probably what i'll do for KH3, since seeing the whole story as less fragmented is usally better. No i'm not saying that either lol, I'm saying this is helping me specifically learn the gameplay, not anything detrimental to the story. If anything I'm paying attention even more so to the story because I feel more involved.
  9. Maybe I didn't define this well enough, but by "Playing " I mean isolating just the gameplay. Proud is making me actually move sora more effectively rather than sezuiring him around with the X smashed 50 billion times in a row. Personally I prefer stories over gameplay so I understand where you are coming from completely, but my revelation has to do with the gameplay exclusively. I don't think you are getting the point of my post. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough. This isn't about making it more challenging, this is about the difficulty forcing me to actually learn how to move sora rather than button mashing attack or using spells for fun and not to survive. Ok
  10. Just thought I'd post my revelation of something most of you probably already know. Just want to hear you're opinion on it. So I just started playing 1.5 for the first time even though I pre-ordered it (Yes I know, i'm late. I waited on purpose so as to play 1.5 and 2.5 in a row) The last time I played numero uno was back in 2010 when I first got into kingdom hearts, and back then I was a wimp and played on easy and used the strategy guide for everything. Since then, I've grown a little and have played the newest titles on proud ever since BBS came out. Well, I always remembered KH1 being relatively simple gameplay-wise. So this time, I of course clicked KHFM Proud as my difficulty. It's been 4 years, so the whole game is more like a foggy far off memory. Well, guess how surprised I was when I got raped by darkside thinking it was still the same old button-mashing KH1 I remembered? Playing this game now at a diffuculty that doesn't let you get away with not paying attention has really made me appreciate all the fighting mechanics and actually use something other than attack and cure (along with the occasional limit). I'm learning how to parry, dodge, play defensively, analyze patterns, actually needing to return to traverse town to stock up, use magic and summons all the time, having common enemies actually threaten your life, etc. Basically, I feel like back when I was 13 I watched KH1. Now, I feel like i'm watching AND playing KH1. So, what are your thoughts on the matter? Have you played KHFM1.5 on proud?
  11. What if you are but you don't always play KH games on their hardest difficulty? I don't understand why you want to excommunicate the first timers....
  12. Another Option: Imagine, it's the year that KHIII is set to release! The release date is only six months away...six months... The internet is flooding with a firaga amount of hype. News on this site is flashing one after the next!!! And then there's me. Me, with my pre-ordered yet untouched copies of KH 1.5 Remix & KH 2.5 Remix. I have six months. My goal? To play every kingdom hearts game in chronological order, completely understand every tiny aspect of the large story, and complete each game 100%. I have six months. A voice becons from deep within my heart. It declares, loud and critical mode, BEGIN!
  13. I was one of the lucky ones to plow through the wedding enemies while gritting my teeth and crying like a little baby when an ally got ejected yet still managed to make it through on my first go. No way in hell I was fighting that boss again.
  14. Honestly I was 100% convinced that it would never happen due to Disney not holding the rights to Tarzan anymore.
  15. I don't know why, but I don't have much faith in big companies to connect the dots in their multi-game series. I hope they do, because then Tetsuya will keep my faith in kingdom hearts for being a good deep story and not just pulling shit out of their ass. I think it was DDD that made me lose a little faith. I'm still trying to wrap my head around time travel and how the realm of sleep is "Timeless" and exists the same at all points of time...
  16. KH 2.5 remix and Pokemon Omega ruby are tied. However, if this was an actually new KH game rather than a remix, it would beat out anything and everything.
  17. As long as its not 80 something dollars like a psychotic wallet eater... Then yeah, I'll buy it. Reasonable is at most 25$, anything above that is Japan pricing, not USA pricing...we get it Japan, video games and merchandise are over priced there, you don't need to push your anger over to us.
  18. Why does xehanort look like a LORD OF THE RINGS GOBLIN??? :dry:
  19. That remix made it all so much more intense for me.
  20. Disney's using a japanese kid as the main character? Wow, I'm impressed.
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