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Finn and vigor

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Everything posted by Finn and vigor

  1. i know it probably wont happen, because of copywriting. but it still would be cool right? or i could use a mii dressed as sora. that might work.
  2. well. i know marluxia was defeated in com. but remember axel died. and siax died. and they came back in their human forms. so maybe marluxias human form will be back. i just dont know what his human name would be.
  3. i know i might be going way ahead of kh, but i have a theory that marluxia will replace master xehahort in kingdom hearts 4. (if there is one) but marluxia is one of my favorite org Xlll members. but remember he got locked inside castle oblivion. well once aqua unlocks castle oblivion to save ventus, i bet his HUMAN form will escape. and he might join forces with luxord and larxen and demyx. but its just a theory. and can anyone guees what marluxias human name will be?
  4. oh ok. im not a chicken little fan really, i just saw an old chicken little dvd. it was just a idea anyway. by the way, he could be a summon again. but very unlikely
  5. would chicken little make an apearence in kingdom hearts 3? it seems like everyones forgoten about him. just a idea for a world.
  6. what would you do if u actually met sora or any of his freinds? i would say, OMG TEACH ME HOW TO BE A KEYBLADE WEILDER! or i would ask riku since hes a keyblade master.
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