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Everything posted by HumbleGamer

  1. Well where I live, the only games most of my friends play are GTA, NBA 2K, and FIFA... I have always wanted to get a friend into KH and play side by side with them, but it seems like that is a hopeless campaign at this point...
  2. Nice! That means the copy I pre ordered at Best Buy might come in early as well! Let's hope so, and congrats on your early copy .
  3. Yeah why does it do that? I wanted to see if they got to level 10 or not, it's quite dissapointing really...
  4. Haha I've never noticed that before . I kinda want to re-watch accell world now
  5. I love the first one so much! Why couldn't they use that translation, although I still love the second one, but the first is much better in my opinion.
  6. "Only seven days to go, and then my [long wait] is... over."

    1. Josuke Higashikata

      Josuke Higashikata

      It's the final countdown!

  7. Dangit I ment to say continent I guess the half hour of sleep is getting to me... Ignore my stupidity please .
  8. *Gasp* 13 days, 1 month in Europe before the 13th year of KH, they announced the lithograph 13 days prior to 2.5 for 1 country only, Europe, for the pre order of the collection that features all the members of Organization XIII... DANGIT NOMURA!!!
  9. but now your expecting it so it won't appear then now, so now it could appear sometime else, but then I'd expect it to NOT appear on November-January so maybe it'd apoear there after all? But then I'm expecting it in winter again so... AGH! This is so confusing!
  10. Dangit Awesome! You beat me to it . You always seem to he one step ahead of me
  11. Unless someone can book me a flight to the other side of the country, magically convince my parents to let me go, and I suddenly turned 18, then sadly no.
  12. Finally have a profile picture :P

  13. Apparently Best Buy doesnt sell the KH 2.5 Collector's edition, or at least the dont have plans to at the moment. The four possibilities is i get the Limited Edition on December 2nd instead, Best Buy adds the collectors edition to their pre orders before December 2nd and i get it then, or I wait to see if they add it after December 2nd and either get the collectors edition or the regular edition. I really hope they just add it before December 2nd...

  14. Question for anyone in Florida: Do you know if Best Buy sells the KH 2.5 Collector's Edition pre orders? I decided to get it but I can only get it with the use of a Best Buy gift card.

    1. TB298


      The ce is currently only available on the kingdom hearts website

    2. HumbleGamer


      Aw man :(. Is there no news of it being sold in stores?

  15. I have a problem. I really want to get the limited edition, but I also really need to keep saving for a PS4. So far I have $50 saved for it and I've ordered the Limited Edition of 2.5, but I could use my $50 gift card and cancel my order to get the limited edition. But with the rate I'm getting money, it'll take at least a year and a half to save it up. I know that there aren't that many games for the PS4 at the moment but by the time I save up there should be, so wh...

    1. HumbleGamer


      @xHaru, tge thing is I also want to play BBS but I don't have a PSP and I really want to play it, as well as watch Re: Coded.

    2. HumbleGamer
    3. xHaru


      BBS is not worth playing... and tbh it looks really shit on the ps3... this game is not meant for widescreen even with the "HD"

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  16. I guess it's because when you do a LV 1 Run, you have to practice certain parts of the game over and over until you're nearly perfect at it, so I guess it means that more people are trying out LV 1 Runs. Still though, surely there would have been people who tried glitch hunting or LV 1 runs when the game first came out. I guess you and I have the honor of discovering this particular glitch .
  17. IM NOT THE ONLY ONE?!?!? I found this glitch 2 months ago in my LV 1 run, I thought it was a one time thing. It's quite strange that no one else had reported it after it's been released for over a year. Maybe we're just insanely lucky .
  18. I miss the days where I wasn't working day and night while only getting 4 hours of sleep daily... :(

    1. SliceofLife


      We all miss those days :'(

  19. Yay! I got the Pokemon demo code! Can't wait to play it when I get ho- *remembers the endless homework he has to do and goes to cry in a corner*

    1. Joker
    2. Joker


      but I still get about tht amount or a bit more. cuse im playing SAO or something

    3. President Yoshi

      President Yoshi

      you can finish the demo rather quickly.


      i dont think i have time to play the full game. projects, reports, papers, and finals shortly after taht

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  20. YEEEEESSSS!!!! THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!!!!!! (If you couldn't tell I love those movies ) That would actually be an awesome place to go, great idea.
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