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Keyblade Grif

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Everything posted by Keyblade Grif

  1. Next is Gamescom in late August followed by Tokyo Game Show in September.
  2. After eight long years of waiting, Nomura-san has final shifted focus to Kingdom Hearts 3. Maybe now the game will finally get a bit more momentum in the development process.
  3. I asked if the added cutscenes in kh 2 final mix will be dubbed by the English cast. Obviously I got my answer a few days ago when the new trailer came out.
  4. So it is safe to assume that the other guy is a younger version of Erauqs. Perhaps we'll be getting more into his and Xehanort's backstory in KH3.
  5. Some should go back and check that the Japanese voice of Young Xehanort matches up with one of the guys in the teaser. That way well know for sure who at least one of them is.
  6. It wouldn't surprise me, but I hope they don't go in that direction. 3D is still a relatively new title and I for one am still playing it today. At this point it doesn't make sense to import it to consoles. If they did do that, then they would have to rework the game layout since there won't be a second screen on the bottom of the TV. Besides, I've waited nearly a decade for them to get KH3 out. It is not particle at this point to do another remake unless it is a last resort tactic to buy some more development time.
  7. Frankly I'm not surprised. In one of the previous interviews Nomaru did say that the announcement was pre-mature. They only did it to build up the hype for the new console generation. Hopefully we might get a bit more info later in the year. For now I'm perfectly happy with the mysterious teaser. We haven't had one of those in years.
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