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Everything posted by jadentheman

  1. Future divisions for an HD remaster of a 6 year old game about to come out in two weeks
  2. That's a load of shit then because PS2 and PS3 architecture are nothing alike. Only way was if they had uncompilable source code and redirected things to work on PS3. it wasn't totally 1:1. KH3D while possibly made on 3DS dev kits it still was in production in 2010-2011. therefore it was made under better rendering and coding and the source should actually make it the easiest to port over. 3DS was ARM. The game is OVER two years old now and by the time they would announce and release such HD remaster if will be OVER three years. Yes new 3DS is coming out, but the game is still in shitty 240p with tons of aliasing and no AF. You guys think that's good IQ and good enough stacked up to others that have HD remasters? Not to mention the framerate is sporadic.
  3. Square wants more people moving to new consoles for KH3/FFXV so they will make future HD games new gen rather than cash in on old gen.
  4. Sub-HD everywhere else 10800p on new consoles. That alone explains it Lower resolution than 10 year old tech in previous consoles, super lol
  5. Because PS4 has all the hardware to port every mechanic over in full (touchpad,ps4 camera) and the fact that it would be awesome to play in 1080p60 2D or 720p60 in 3D compared to poor quality of 240p The music is way to good to be relegated to its poor stereo 33kHz sample rate on 3DS and needs to be heard in its 48khz 5.1 channel lossless glory. Hope you understand, wish people would stop saying KH3 will get delayed, it will not. Square can easily build a small team(one small game with literally nothing too big to rewrite) or they can outsource the remaster to companies like Bluepoint or Hexadrive (look them up). Besides IMO KH3 will get delayed eventually and won't even be out till 2017 And no PS3 version will not happen as Square needs to build install base for PS4 in Japan to get people ready for FFXv and KH3
  6. They said DS, not 3DS. They said they might consider it They remastered BBSFM which came out in Jan 2011. Technically KH3D coming out in Spring/Fall 2015 marks three years since 3DS release. I know a remaster isn't necessarily needed (New 3Ds is coming soon) however playing a KH game with PS2 graphical fidelity at 240p is a crime 240p guys, the lowest res a KH of those graphics is played at. Remember Youtube videos at 240p? Yeah yuck
  7. These are the full PCM tracks. Square and Yoko were always gonna release the 5 disc orchestrated tracks and it's even been announced with Jp 2.5 release date. Nice to know it's coming along nicely. Should see it in Oct or Nov.
  8. It's not full 1920x10800p resolution it's anamorphic 1440x1080p If by chance it is full 1920x1080p then the game is not very demanding to the hardware. Simple games not complex ones. KH HD collections could indeed be full HD on PS3, but Square is too lazy to optimize the engine for that and instead have PS3 brute force run it rather
  9. It's all 720p. PS3 doesn't have the VRAM to push it to 1080p yes even with PS2 remasters it sort of fails at the whole point of HD remaster. The reason why it looks so clean is because they add 2x MSAA
  10. Guys it's too soon to announce something like that. they would wait till after 2.5 releases in US/EU before announcing that. Jump Festa at the soonest, but it might not be till Jan 2015. They want to maximize PS3 sales as much as possible before asking you spend again on a PS4 version.
  11. Ok so they ditch the other languages. Why? Is the localization team just getting lazy now? I mean I would love to have the option to switch between English, Japanese, Spanish, German, Italian and French. Why take way such a unique way to give your fans language options? BS, they could have made the scenes silent with subtitle language of choice. They did it before, they can do it again.
  12. Whoa good catch. I only thought they censored Braig's snipers in BBS. Funny thing to note they kept this mirror censor in FM version as well. We can only hope 2.5 includes it the way it was suppose to.
  13. They you wouldn't mind if I saved this post in case you are proven wrong in the future?
  14. They are using xbox controllers. I'll take that as a subtle hint. or do you want me to suggest PC version? (Which is highly doubtful)
  15. Because if they did DS4 that would have been too obvious... PS4/One versions confirmed
  16. Nope original GBA COM was still literally a month behind Jp release. This is two months behind
  17. No you can tell they deliberately did just that. Choosing mostly quiet scenes in the game and abrupt cuts all over in terms of scenes and battles.
  18. Vita is relevant. FFX HD was on Vita. People just want to play all KH on the go. Regardless what Nomura said if he wanted KH to stay on one console then KH3 would have been for PS3 lol. Nomura never keeps promises, always changing his mind (Square Heads maybe?) I see a Vita/PS4 version releasing next year, this company is just too predictable now
  19. That audio clip was actually what Young Xehanort's VA sent to Khinsider as a gift. So he recorded the lines in that trailer. It's not official
  20. BBS was also censored too with Braig's snipers are well I can only hope this time Square ignored the need to waste the time to do that. The fact it releases 2 months after Japan tells me they didn't do heavy editing
  21. No it's just because PS3 does not have enough VRAM to do over 2xMSAA if even that.
  22. No it was in pre-planning stages in 2010. They didn't actually start working till like 2013 or else they would have more content to show for which they don't. But I guess it's ok because FFXV is in it's 8th year and still nothing new was really shown yet.
  23. They didn't delay 3 for the remasters. KH3 was never delayed it just started development less than a year ago. The remasters were always going to be made since like 2011/2012
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