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Everything posted by ActuallyVenus

  1. nope. my nearest best buy is 50 plus miles away and I dont know anyone willing to drive me down there just to play smash bros.
  2. Seeing how I was one of those select people who didnt even like the original FINAL FANTASY X that much, then having X-2 a complete let down imo.....no.
  3. Cancelling a game dosent ruin a persons career or their company. Thats like saying if Diablo 3 was cancelled it wouldve ruined Blizzard.
  4. Not believing it till team ico confirms it. so far, theve been insisting its still in development In that case, they may as well cancel Final Fantasy XV
  5. Zanman72, NiggaHigga, NinjaSexParty, JonTron....theres a couple
  6. on store shelves next week, thats how done it is. (its actually probably in its alpha or early beta)
  7. *backs away slowley* no offense, but this just sounds like a really bad creepypasta
  8. I actually kinda wish this was my full time teacher
  9. Man, the Metal Gear Solid V Red Band Trailer gives me chills everytime I watch it.

    1. Kaweebo


      According to Kojima, if the Red Band trailer gives you chills, the E3 trailer is gonna make your balls shrivel up, your eyelids involuntarily shut, and you'll be pissing yourself like a little girl for the duration of the presentation.

    2. MyDixieRect


      The 9 minute one that came out last year? If so that is literally my favourite trailer ever. I've seen that well over 50 times.

  10. Hank Hill should be DLC for MK8 and Smash Bros.
  11. They act like luigis going to jump out and kick yoshi in the ribs : /
  12. wow....I can't imagine the fear that poor girl mustve been going through being nearly killed by two they trusted, and then having to limp their way to the road , dying, and thankfully being rescued
  13. All Sonic games are terrible and they have the worst fanbase ive ever seen. end of story.
  14. Im going to side with the majority and say that SSE was a bit unnesary and felt tacked on. Its a cool concept, but id rather play Adventure mode in melee. : /
  15. Yes. However, it is not something I want to invest in at the moment
  16. No. Most people who even say the gamepad is "bad" or is "gimmecky" havent even tooken the time to play with the gamepad. Its comfertable, its uniqe, and yknow what? sometimes, I don't feel like getting behined my tv, changing the hdmi from my PS3 to my Wii U, so I can just grab the gamepad, and game on that. so there. I said it. gamepad rocks. point 1 for lazyness.
  17. Miyamoto dosent need gifts to make people happy. He just is.
  18. And on the 7th day, God said, "Let there be Smash Brothers!"
  19. Now that we got that out of the way, my name is ActuallyVenus, but you can just call me Venus if you want because well, ActuallyVenus...its a mouthfull. Ive been playing Kingdom Hearts atleast since 2004 with the original for the PlayStation 2 being my first. Some of my favorite games of all time include, but arent limited to Shadow of the Colossuss, Journey, Super Mario Sunshine, and Banjo Kazooie. I also enjoy making art, playing music, and simply, running. Right now im very interested in learning how to program, and writing pieces of music. And lastley, gaming has always been a huge inspiration in my life for just about anything Ive ever done, and im sure it will continue to be. Thank you for your time, and I hope I get to talk to you all in the near future.
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