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Everything posted by JBone

  1. Murray Christmas yalll. I can finally go back on the internet cause I saw starwars. 'Sgood.

  2. Wow, that new Jontron about food games ended...wierd. Still a great episode though.

  3. I recently knocked Frozen off my list of movies I need to watch in case they're on KH3. It was.. Pretty good. But the whole time I wanted Anna to get fire magic for some reason, haha. I was like "Do it! Cast Firaga on that ice monster! Do it!"

  4. I hope so! It's on my list of movies I need to watch in case it's in KH3.
  5. To the people that say Marvels to violent: What if they use 1970's era Spiderman? The one from the cartoons. He'd never hurt a fly. He'd make a fully functional motor boat out of webs and save a kid named Billy from the conquistador. True story. And for Star Wars I just want a Darth Vader secret/optional fight. Like with Sephiroth. And you should get a sweet lightsaber themed keyblade for beating him.
  6. Making the game not as full as it could be so they can make you buy a season pass for dlc that you should have gotten anyway... But that won't happen... Right? :S
  7. Well the first KH tried it to be cool and different from Final Fantasy. But I guess they decided people like lvl 99 because that's the max level in FF. (The ones I've played at least) ¯_(ツ)_/¯
  8. Anyone ever play Star Fox Command? I got the best ending ever: Falco quits StarFox then he, Kat and this monkey guy whos name I forget form.. Star Falco. 20/20

    1. JBone


      Game of the year.

  9. I got my PS4. But they won't give me my free trial of plus. Because I don't have enoigh money ...didn't think I'd need to put money on my credit card for my "FREE" TRI

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kingdomhe


      lol "welcome to earth"

    3. PrinceNoctis


      Why do we even need to pay? Its all dumb if you ask me.

    4. JBone


      Yeah, very dumb. It says "free trial" but just takes you to the shop. And asks you how much you want pay. :/

  10. I just got back from pre-ordering my battlefront bundle PS4. Comes out tuesday. ;)

  11. I remember that. But it always seemed unattainable if you weren't into programing. Well if they add Homer Simpson and Peter Griffin, Smash would COMPLETELY replace it, haha.
  12. If were're talking Kingdom Hearts, yes. Any other game, no, I wait until my one friend bugs me about watching the trailer.
  13. Hulk? You get seven candies. Darth Vader and pikachu? Twelve each. Big kid no costume? I got gum or gross trail mix bars for you

  14. Simple: I have loved Crossovers since Flinstones meet the Jetsons. (Obligatory "I feel old" comment.)
  15. Well... Fancy Socks are hot right now. With all the yuppies at least. I seent it. There's a new mall kiosk just sellin' fancy socks now.
  16. Wierd. At least I never bought a Vita because they never made a Kingdom Hearts for it. The only reason I own a PSP is 'cause of BBS. And I bought a 3DS day one 'cause I heard they were making DDD... And a Paper Mario... But that one was a huge disappointment.
  17. I don't usually rewatch movies (on purpose) unless it's one of my absolute favorites that I watch every few years (Idiocracy, Kung Pow: enter the fist, Demolition Man, ETC.) So I probably won't rewatch these two. Maybe BH6, I saw it in theatre, so someone around here may buy it. But I do have a list of movies to watch in case they are in KH3. BH6, Tangled and Frozen are down. Now I need to watch Brave, the Princess and the Frog ...And UP just in case .
  18. Twilight Princess HD... Meh. I'll dig up a GameCube if I feel like playing TWP. I love the game but I can't replay it to often for one reason: Malos stupid face. Ughhh *shudders*

    1. Exiblade7


      I love the game, but I hate the wolf parts.

    2. JBone


      Yeah, I liked being a wolf, but not being forced to transform against my will.

      But I guess a remake is ok because of all the kids who have never played it though.

  19. "The Graphics are flawless in Sonic Super Special Sports. 10/10." - A Gaming Website. Hahaha. Seriously though, this reminded me of the Space Jam NBA game mod. But someone was paid to make this. Wow.
  20. JBone


    Me am not glad to meet you. Me am sure you not fit in. Me am not backwards talking like famous Marvel character Bizzaro.
  21. I don't usally dress up for Halloween and I don't plan on it this year... But I've been told I could pull off Eugene from The Walking Dead... https://www.google.ca/search?q=walking+dead+mullet+guy&rlz=1Y3TXLS_enCA567CA567&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAWoVChMItZDHnY--yAIVA8xjCh2GtwDI Hahaha, No. Probably not gonna do it... But you know, anythings possible
  22. Man. I want to wait, since I waited til the slim Xbox360 came out... But by then all my friends had jumped ship to playstation. The jerks, lol. So I'm not waiting this time.And yeah, I think most people are saying that they can't afford the PS4, not that it's to expensive. It's a subtle difference, but it's there.
  23. Haha, yeah. I'm Jason, so my Nobody would be called... Jaxson. Not that different, but I like it!
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