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Everything posted by Killua0707

  1. Well, Miles already did. Maybe Ventus and Roxas can go along with Miles and help out since he is dragging Yu. Is that okay with you, Shard?
  2. you do know that you can get up, and follow Namine and Kirby, right? It's your choice.
  3. To Roxas, Why did you say "Who else will I have ice cream with?" Was that really all you had to say to Xion?
  4. The county fair is really close!! I'm so excited :D

  5. Welcome! Welcome! *hands you a plate of waffles* Nice to meet you!
  6. Namine took Kirby somewhere safe: Her garden. Namine had a small but very pretty garden where flowers always grew. That's where she decided to go. "No one will find us here, especially since you hid the shard." she said. There was a small table with three chairs. "Go ahead." said Namine. "First off: why do you have a star shard? It's related to magic, and magic is not allowed here in Asnia." As Namine waited for his reply, she hoped no one followed them to this place.
  7. Little Red was awaken. She saw Anna with the phone. "Ah. Anna, is Namine coming already?" She tried to whisper since she thought Ben was already asleep. "Anna... who was it? What happened?" Little Red sat up. "Anna?" She heard police cars pass by at full speed. "...what...happened?" she said.
  8. Namine was about to hold Kirby's hand, to greet him of course. But in his other hand, the shard began to flicker, and now it was shining really bright. "Magic?" she whispered. Although the light was bright, she could see everyone staring at them. Namine quickly took Kirby by the arm. "We can enter my shop from the back." she said. Namine pulled his arm as she began to run.
  9. I will pray for you every day. You will be in my prayers, I promise. And it's okay if you don't want to talk about it, I understand.
  10. Little Red went over to her little bed, it was close to Ben's. She laid down and looked at him. "G-Good night, Ben." She then looked at Anna. "Good night, Anna." "BUT... if you are going to wake him up, wake me up too!"
  11. (I will continue) Little Red was sleepy, very sleepy. "Anna, it's late already. I think we'll have to wait until tomorrow." She went over to the couch, and was ready to fall asleep. But Ben..... She looked at him. "Ben, if you want me to stay awake with you, just tell me and I will." Little Red was willing to stay awake a bit more if he wanted to.
  12. Welcome! Welcome! *hands you a plate of waffles* Nice to meet you!
  13. "I..I prefer to hold it this way. And I'm not weird, I'm just different. Now let's hurry." Ventus took off. He didn't care if Roxas was behind, but... He looked back at Roxas. "Hurry up!" he stopped and waited for him. The market wasn't that far, he just wanted to go to the library after he was done with the groceries. And from his point of view, he could see a lot of commotion going on. "Awww... you are so cute!" said Namine. She just wanted to hug him all day. But then he showed her what seemed to be a star. "Um... I'm sorry, but I have no idea what that is. I've never seen it. It's really cute though." said Namine. "Hey, why don't you come to my shop with me. Maybe we can figure something out. I'll help you. By the way, I'm Namine."
  14. Welcome! Welcome! *gives you an empty plate* I would give you waffles (like I always do) but someone already did ANYWAYS Welcome to KH13! Chat with me anytime!
  15. "I'll look after him just fine dad." said Ventus. "Here." said their mom, giving him the list. Ventus took the list, ate quickly, and stood up. He then looked over to Roxas. "Hurry up and let's go!" Ventus wasn't excited or anything. He just wanted to get over with it and go to the towns library. To read books about magic, of course. Near the market, there was a flower shop. Namine opened the doors, since the shop was hers now. She stepped in, and after placing the keys in a safe place, she looked at a picture of her parents next to a window. "Good morning Father. Good morning Mother." It's been already 2 weeks since their death. Namine seemed to be handling it just fine, but she actually wasn't. She quickly went to the counter and waited for some customers. As she gave a small peek into her purse, she reacted quickly and closed the purse... which contained a small blade. "Oops. Don't want anybody to see that." she whispered. Namine looked outside and saw a small kid.. with pink hair? "Okay?" she said. The kid looked lost, and he was holding some kind of star. Namine decided to walk towards him, leaving the shop alone for a little bit.
  16. I'll do the sign-up anyways. ---CHARACTER SHEET--- Name: Namine Age: 15 Gender: Female What video game you're from: Kingdom Hearts Appearance: Occupation: Florist Human appearance: Is human Personality: Namine is sweet, kind, and likes to help others. She is a bit emotionally unstable due to her parents recent death. But no one ever suspects her defect because she always hides her sadness behind a smile. Bio: Just 2 weeks ago, her parents died in an accident, and left the flower shop to their only daughter, Namine. She lives in Asnia. She also loves to draw what she feels, or sees. And since her parents death, she has been emotionally unstable. She cries at night. And when she is alone, she draws disturbing pictures. But she hides all of that behind a smile. (yes, it's another KH character.)
  17. Ventus shivered. Spiders. He hated spiders. He looked at Roxas, who stuck out his tongue to him. "Idiot." said Ventus, pushing him and going inside first. Wendy chuckled. "No fighting in the house." she said, sitting down. " Can we please have a nice, and calm breakfast as a family, this time?" "What do you mean, mom? We always have breakfast together." Wendy glared at Ventus. She sighted. "Oh! Ventus, can you and Roxas go out and get some groceries after breakfast, please?" "Sure." said Ventus. "But, can I go alone?" "No. You'll go with your brother." "Fine." he said, as he munched a piece of bacon.
  18. I like to participate. But because I'm too lazy to do stuff, I don't win any of them
  19. His father showed him a very rare dagger. "Wow! Dad, you still have the touch!" he exclaimed. Ventus took the dagger. He examined it. It was light, but it looked deadly. He pointed the dagger at his brother. "Look Roxas, someday, you will find this stabbed in your neck." Of course, Ventus was just kidding. He didn't like fighting with weapons anyways. He was more curious about magic, just like Roxas. "Boys! come inside! Breakfast is served! You too, Rick! But clean yourself first!" said Wendy, the mom.
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